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Nature’s ways to help your kids feel better
Using mother nature’s way to help your unwell kids feel better isn’t as hard as you may think.
And for those of us with young children, or children of any age really, we do everything for them, sometimes more than what we would even do for ourselves. We all know how the world stops when they become unwell, so it’s a welcome relief to have some tricks up your sleave to help them, and you, get through.
Using nature’s gifts to help your kids is so handy. I’ve found that it’s normally the middle of the night when the s**t hits the fan. The midnight hunt for a bucket is on and the call of your own bed to go back to sleep is very loud, but you decide not to in case they vomit again.
It’s comforting to have skills that allow you to remain slightly calm, and help them through the rough time.
Then there is the next day too, a looong day, mum (or dad) is knackered from lack of sleep, bubs is cranky and has a sore tummy from disturbed sleep and a serious work out on their tummy muscles.
So what can you do in this event?
What can be used from the kitchen cupboard, garden or bathroom cabinet?
When my youngest was very unwell one night. I had just crawled into bed, late, at about 11pm, and fallen into a deep peaceful sleep when I heard the unfamiliar call of “muuummmy my tummies sore”.
I thought I would share with you what I did, and pretty much always do when faced with this. Apart from panicking and throwing back a couple of Arnica pillules with some vodka (joking, but that is an option I suppose).
5 things to have on hand when kids are unwell
Roman Chamomile Essential Oil in Jojoba Oil to rub clockwise on tummy to help ease pain and discomfort
Neroli Essential Oil in Jojoba Oil – to rub clockwise on tummy and on chest to help with sleep and ease the nausea
Raspberry’s (frozen or fresh, or raspberry leaf tea, or in a pinch raspberry jam) – to help with an upset tummy, eases the vomiting somehow
Lavender Essential Oil – for the chuck bucket or fresh lavender from the garden – with all it’s natural goodness as an antimicrobial, antibacterial and its soothing scent its perfect for this job
A bucket, actually make that 2 buckets, is handy – somehow whilst your cleaning one they invariably need another- to contain the mess! Oh and lavender also might help you and bub drift back off to sleep.
Essential oils are renowned for their healing abilities. Roman Chamomile and Neroli’s ability to calm an upset tummy and help ease the pain is well known from ancient times. Neroli’s other reputation is a wonderful sleep oil. The calming and soothing scent they both impart is magic, and helps the caregiver too. They are wonderful to massage onto baby’s tummy in a clockwise direction. The other essential oil I always carry with me is good old Lavender, in this instance I put a single drop into the bucket and after each wash out I put a new drop. This oil has a plethora of benefits antibacterial, anti-fungal etc so acts as a wonderful germ & bug slayer in this time of need.
What else did I do?
Kept the fluids to small sips of Raspberry leaf tea. Stayed awake and rode the storm. By morning she was a little better, still not eating, but better. Then by afternoon she was her bright sparkly self again.
We took it easy on the foods, started with juicing and little sips, kept up with the Neroli and Roman Chamomile and said thank you that it passed quickly. In warm weather you can make juicy iceypoles by just blitzing up some raspberry’s, and whatever else they like, add a wee bit of water and pop in iceypole containers and in the freezer to freeze. Or just use your ice cube trays.
These are some simple tips you can use to help your children. There are many more but I thought I would just share these first to help you on your way to sanity, sleep and health.
If you think your friends or family members would benefit from reading this please share this blog with them. Together we can make a real difference to peoples lives.
IMPORTANT NOTES – No essential oil should be placed directly on the skin, it must always be in a carrier oil (couple exceptions but another story). Neroli and Roman Chamomile are expensive oils anyway, so normally they are available already prepared in a carrier oil. Look for jojoba, the best (in my opinion) and most compatible to our own skins sebum levels. We do sell these essential oils and just give us a call or drop us an email.
Oh, Roman Chamomile in a carrier oil is also handy for TEETHING BABIES. You just rub along the jawline (on face not in mouth) as needed. If your child is not getting better always seek help from your health care professional.
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