Fasting is an ancient tool that dates way back and there are different types of ‘fasts’. If you have never done a fast before then I would recommend you try a juice fast first, firstly because, in my experience, it will dip your toes into fasting, without having super high levels of detox happening really, really, quickly and potentially causing you to have a horrible experience.
Fasting is Nature’s pathway to physical, mental and spiritual renewal!
A juice fast will also fill you up with super high amounts of life filled nutrients that your body will love and any type of nutrient deficiency you might have will be covered during that juice fast. A juice fast will prepare you, for in the future, should you wish to do a water fast.
That said, it really depends on what you want to get out of it health wise.
Are you wanting to heal from something specific or just maintenance? And what suits your schedule? Are you working? If so, can you get time off? We do not recommend water fasting whilst working. Do you have a chronic condition or a potentially degenerative condition that needs immediate attention?
It is best to get your bloods looked at before you do extended water fasting (+3 days) but otherwise it really is up to you and how it’s making you feel.
So, when should one fast? And how often?
Well we are cleaning out our filters so to speak, and doing so on a regular basis, allows for our body to rid itself of any toxins… we then can avoid getting sick, rather than having to fix ourselves all the time when we break down.
During any week we can choose not eat anything for one whole day, 24hrs, and this will allow for the liver and kidneys to detoxify.
You have to really hydrate yourself within that 24-hour span with lots of clean water though with either lemon or lime squeezed in or good salts such as celtic sea salt added. You can also help further flush the toxins out by doing a salt flush, an enema, breathing exercises and natural skin cleansing. Or, you could drink heaps of fresh cold pressed juices for 2 days to get similar effects.
For an ultimate cleanse – four extended 10-day water fasts per year is what my teacher and mentor Tyler Tolman mentions. This is recommended to rebuild, reset hormones, and have clear consciousness, energy, and clarity. Following the seasons is a good way to remember and doing this under the guidance of a Tolman Health Coach is optimal.
Whatever you choose, fasting gives our body a break, cleans out the engine and then when fill it with the optimal fuel afterwards…. we are firing on all cylinders.
Fasting gives your digestive system the signal to reset and switch from digesting to detoxing. After years of eating three meals a day, we all store up toxins from processed, dead foods – and even from whole foods treated with pesticides and herbicides.
Every day of fasting allows the digestive system to push a little farther and cleanse a little more. And fasting with juices gives your body the energy it needs to sustain this process.
If you have ever been curious about juice fasting, would like to give it a try but perhaps it scares you, or maybe you wonder whether it is something you could even do, then I invite you to come along to our Weekend Getaway in Jurien Bay.
Nat Wright, accredited Tolman Health Coach will show you how to make juices, how much you need to have and guide you on how to break your fast properly. You will learn more about the benefits of fasting and how they will radically improve your wellbeing.
This is an introduction to juice fasting and we will be combining it with a fun, adventurous trip out to ancient structures, The Pinnacles for a fully guided tour and sunset picnic on sacred land (we will have our warm vegie broth) followed by an evening sound healing complete with gongs, crystal bowls, chimes and didgeridoo, with Colleen Pearce Healing. Being amongst nature whilst fasting and treating your body to a soulful sound healing will profoundly improve your health, and help improve your immune system before the change of season.
Beach walks, sunsets, swims, sound healing and upgrading our systems in a beautiful slow paced seaside town. Perfect.
Join us for 2 nights in Jurien bay!
Or you can choose to just attend the Pinnacle Tour and Sound Healing on its own with Colleen here.
Travelling is a heap of fun and something I do a lot, in Australia. I have never had the desire to broaden my wings and fly over the seas to another country, until now. To be honest it freaked me out, what did I need to do, could I get clean water, fresh food, how was I going to look after myself and my daughter if we became unwell? All this and the Government Regulations I had to navigate could have stressed me out to the point I pulled out, but I did not, so I wanted to share some of my healthy travel tips that helped me and can help your travel experience be as enjoyable as possible.
Involve Your Kids / Teenagers / Family, In Your Travel Plans
Right from the get-go our trip was planned together. From applying for our passports to looking at what to do whilst we were overseas. My daughter, soon to be 14, had some epic ideas. She is the adrenalin junkie, me I take the safe road, having her choose some activities made sure not only was I getting out of my comfort zone by flying overseas, I was well and truly out of my comfort zone with her itinerary. And, I am so glad she organised these. A heap of fun and somethings I would never of done if it wasn’t for her ideas, really awesome.
Give them their own copy of the travel documents (it is a great idea to have more than one in different bags/suitcases in case they get lost anyway). They can then see the dates, what is coming up, take responsibility and have fun with it.
Look After Your Health Prior To Your Flight
Probably one of the most important of our healthy travel tips. Ensure you are drinking enough water well before you fly and that you continue to keep your fluids up whilst away. Flying is dehydrating and leads to constipation, feeling out of sorts. What happens, I discovered, when getting on a plane, is Biosecurity takes your water away, yep! So, being hydrated before you get on the plane is really, really, important. Then when the flight attendants come around ask for more than 1 cup of water, and just keep asking. Seriously, they do not mind.
If going to a country such as Indonesia, like we did, have some bottled water ready for you arrive at your accommodation as local water isn’t fit for drinking. I reached out to the owner and he organised a big 15L bottle for the dispenser in our kitchen. It was there when we checked in and we never ran out.
Boost your immune system by eating plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables as part of your daily diet 2 – 4 weeks before you leave. Include plenty of berries, natures immune booster.
Take A Spritzer on The Plane
I packed our Refreshing Rosewater Face Mist and our Energiser Mist into our backpack to refresh us on the plane, pick us up if we felt drained. They worked an absolute treat. When on holidays and if it is a warm climate, pop these in your fridge or cooler bag for a quick and easy pick me up on the hot, hot days.
Reach out to me direct by reply email if you want any of these as they are not available to purchase online as yet. Not too far away now though.
Eat As Healthy as You Can Whilst Away
Take your own food on the plane, nuts, dried fruit, fresh fruit. I did not, and whilst I ordered a vegetarian meal and it was yummy, it was way too heavy for my gut and, let us be honest here, the plane food, if hot is reheated to the hilt and there is no nutrient value in that.
With what you bring on board, be prepared to ditch what you do not eat, or surrender it to the local Quarantine / Biosecurity Officer depending on what country you fly in to. Fresh fruits, vegies, nuts, seeds etc harbour pest and disease and many countries have strict biosecurity laws.
I know when you are on holidays you may want to let it all hang out, but if you do not want to be crouched over a bucket or toilet bowl puking your guts up, I suggest you go easy.
Choose local fresh fruits, and juices, especially for the morning. We had an abundance of fresh, straight from the coconut, coconut water, super good for you, super hydrating.
Going out for lunch or dinner? Choose a local, reputable venue that sells great meals, you can find many groups on social media these days like ‘Sanur Best Dining’ etc that share reviews, experiences, great places, vegan, authentic, whatever you are chasing. Reach out on the Tolman Free Community Page too for suggestions as well. A lot of our Coaches have travelled extensively.
Pack Your Enema Kit, Salt, and Charcoal
These are non-negotiables for me. Enema Kit, for when feeling bloated, out of sorts, constipated. On return to Australia, my first morning here, it was the 1st thing I did. It can be the first thing you do on arrival overseas to if needed.
Salt, brilliant for popping a bit in your water to add minerals, it helps gets rid of headache too if drinking enough water with the salt added (1L water per 22kg of body weight daily), put some on your food and also to do a salt flush if you end up feeling sick, diarrhoea, vomiting.
Charcoal, I didn’t need this thankfully, but it can be handy to remove toxins so if you ingest something and it messes around with your gut the charcoal can help move it out. You must drink plenty of water with this or you will dehydrate. I took mine in case Bali Belly raised it’s head.
Links to these products will lead you to the Tolman Health page where you can purchase, as I am a Tolman Health Coach, using these links (ensure you allow cookies when that pops up on your screen) means I get paid my commission and my small business grows. You can of course buy an enema kit, activated charcoal and clean mineral full salt elsewhere, Salt Of The Earth is a great brand that I have used.
Pack Your Essential Oils – Lavender, Tea Tree, Neroli, Roman Chamomile
For me, these were my choices. Lavender and Tea Tree because I had a cut on the bottom of my foot from a camping trip over the Australia Day long weekend. I had to keep it clean and free of any bacteria. Travelling to a developing country that I hadn’t been before, where sanitation may not be that great, I wanted to be prepared. Happy to say it pretty much completely healed whilst over there. These two oils are also brilliant should you get bit by mosquitoes. Just pop a single drop on finger and then on bite, stops the itch and any reaction. My son, Tea Tree works, my daughter it is Lavender. So, try them out.
Neroli is brilliant as is Roman Chamomile for upset digestive systems. Place some carrier oil, say 1 Tablespoon worth in your hand, add a drop of Neroli &/or Roman Chamomile and massage clockwise onto your abdomen. You can also place some on lower back.
These are also good for anxiety, nervousness etc that may come about from doing new things. In this scenario massage into your chest area.
Relax, Lean into The Ease and Flow of Local Life
I wanted to experience the culture, see with my own eyes how they lived their life. The Balinese are such happy happy people. There is no big machinery where I was, everything was being created by hand.
I encourage you to get out there, look around, go to the organic farms, sustainable villages, take a cooking class, it is a heap of fun. Adopt their pace of life, slow down, it is ok and actually really good for you to let your mind go slower, your body to just stop and be.
We ventured to The Green Village and stayed overnight in a local Pondok owned by a friend of mine, this was truly magical. Everything in the Green Village is made with sustainability in mind. All the dwellings are built by hand using local bamboo. Everything they do in this village has nature, our planet, first and foremost in their mind. I absolutely loved it here.
We also attended a local cooking class in Sanur where they picked us up from our accommodation, took us to the local growers market, then to their amazing outdoor kitchen where we made 6 authentic Balinese dishes. It gave me an insight into their health, and how, just small tweaks could make it so much better. I feel that some of the goodness, the basic things has slipped away. Rather than using Canola oil for example, why not coconut, it’s in abundance, use it.
Move Your Body
This just happened naturally for me. Lots of walking whilst exploring the place. I was there as part of the crew for Tyler Tolmans HEAL event, so in the morning we did the Shake N Bake, movement was key.
I suggest at minimum walking daily, you’ll find you probably do this anyway. Exercise helps your body to move toxins around and then eliminate them. Sweating helps, breathing deeply helps. Get moving, even on the plane, get up and walk the aisle when you can, do circles with your wrists and ankles, move your neck from side to side, shrug and drop your shoulders, it all helps.
So, that’s my 8 Healthy Travel Tips to make your next adventure run as smoothly as possible.
Where are you off to next? Let me know, give me ideas on what places you think we might like to explore.
There’s a whole plethora of information and disinformation out there about juice fasting. So how does one know whether it’s good for you or not? I always encourage people to do their own research, collate the information and make up their own minds. Go onto reputed sites for published medical papers, read, read, read. But, the best thing to do is experience it for yourself.
My first juice fast lasted 7 days, I meticulously followed along online and made sure that I completed all the movement and mind exercises that were suggested.
This fast was back in 2017, my body was feeling pretty bad, my legs were like concrete, my joints in my fingers were swollen and sore. I had zero energy. I always remember walking up to our chook house and thinking it was too much, something has to be wrong with me, something bad. Fibromyalgia had been mentioned to me, I hadn’t even heard of it before, so dismissed it and got on with life, well tried to.
I had landed at a point where I wasn’t enjoying life though, it was all ‘too hard”. I had hit the wall, no zip, no fuel. Depleted!
I also knew that I was the one in charge of my mind and my body and I could go looking for what was wrong with me or, I could go in search of a way to feel better.
I chose option two, signed up for a juice fast and that was that.
No more inflammation, no more pain, my head was super clear, my eyes were so wide open it was friggen phenomenal. And the most important thing, I had energy. I felt alive and happy and I just wanted to never feel like shit again.
And as I’ve learned more and more about this ancient technique of fasting, it just makes so much sense.
Animals in the wild don’t eat when they are sick, why do we?
For me fasting is a tool that I keep in my belt. If I’ve indulged for way to long, I’ve celebrated a bit too hard haha over the festive season, or if I become unwell (rarely now) then I will pull it out and use it.
The key though, I have found, is to live a life where we don’t do the things, or consume the things that make us feel like crap in the first place.
Pretty simple hey?
I’ve popped together a list of the key benefits of fasting. These have been taught to me by my mentor and teacher Tyler Tolman.
What a list!
- Fasting Promotes Detoxification
- Fasting Gives the Digestive System a Break
- Fasting Resolves Inflammatory Response
- Fasting Reduces Blood Sugar
- Fasting Increases Fat Metabolism
- Fasting Corrects High Blood Pressure
- Fasting Promotes Weight Loss
- Fasting Promotes a Healthy Diet
- Fasting Boosts Immunity
If you are keen to learn more about how to up your health, not just by fasting, Tyler regularly hosts a 3-day amazing, motivational and transformational event called H.E.A.L The next one is happening really soon, on the 26th – 28th of August. Head over and see if it is something that you would love to do. Full disclosure here, I earn a commission when you click through using my link, but you’ll love the link cause you save a heap of money.
If you love your Social Media, jump over to our Facebook page
Join our Live Simply Enjoy Life Facebook group – it’s here you will find inspiration, ideas, and guidance on improving your health. No BS, no filters, just realness right when you need it.
Looking for some guidance and help you up your health? Book in for a 1 on 1 consult with me, as a student Tolman Health Coach I am able to offer this to you at $49. I will guide you through your healing, help to keep you accountable, and get you back to that state of real health.
If you feel like a day away from it all, a day just for you… No technology, no work demands and no children (with love!!!)
To unravel your stress, unwind your tension and reset your body. Come along to our in-person 1-day event September 10th. It’s going to be amazing.
Do you have those days where there seems like an endless noise of crap in your head?
Am I doing the right thing? Should I be doing this? In 2021 I decided to listen to the loudest noise, share all I’ve learned about natural health, how we can become our own physicians, heal ourselves of the aches and pains, inflammation, bloat, lethargy, constipation, so that we can live a long, energy filled, vibrant life free of dis-ease?
I found my mentor and teacher in Tyler Tolman.
Who’s Tyler? Why him?
I heard Tyler’s Dad, Don Tolman speak many years ago. Back when I was feeling like the only one who thought mother nature provided all we needed to heal. I had my natural skincare business up and running and was trying to share this message through that business.
Back then it was weird for someone to think differently to the ‘establishment’, you’re a bloody hippy Nat, but Don had been doing things differently for decades, so I wasn’t nuts after all. He had been sharing what it was that I was looking for. The key, yet simple truth: how to use what nature provides to heal. This was mymissing piece.
Man was I excited! This is it; I knew it.
I left that presentation full of life ready to change the world. I kept eating the certified organic, or was it biodynamic meat. The raw milk, raised my own free-range chickens with certified organic feed, ate their eggs along with all the other “wholefoods” I knew were fantastic for me. I even reared our own sheep on our chemical free land to fill our freezer with and grew some spray free vegies.
Why was I still feeling like sh*t?
I had misunderstood one thing, and what I was doing was not how you heal yourself.
Whole-foods are what nature created, as close to how she created it. I had been saying that for years. But, she didn’t birth the cow, or the sheep or the chicken. No, she provided the soil, the rain, the sunshine for the seed to germinate, for the plant to grow, to bare the fruit and vegetables, nuts, seeds and grains for us to eat. How simple is that? There was also 6 other very important principles to follow to ensure true health.
As a result of my choices my body was filled with inflammation, I was looking ok from the outside but I was lifeless, with no energy, bloated, feeling like crap, and filled with crap basically. I was looking down the barrel of a grim diagnosis, so a GP told me after numerous tests.
Time to disrupt, get this train wreck back on track.
I immediately began a 4-day colon cleanse, followed by a 14-day juice fast, and finished with a salt flush on the morning of my colonoscopy. That means exactly what it reads, no foods other than juice and water, and I thrived!
How did I know how to do this?
I discovered Tyler Tolman after hearing Don, signed up, and completed his 7-day online juice cleanse. Back then it got rid of all my symptoms and boy did I feel bloody amazing! But because I had missed the key point, I continued my life the way I always had, so I once again started feeling like I had before. Simple!
What changed?
Apparently, the world did, and in her wisdom, made the teachings of Tyler more accessible to me. I jumped at the chance and signed up to the virtual H.E.A.L event, 3 days of mind-blowing, heart-warming education and inspiration to get me on track to Divine Health.
I continued learning from Tyler and it all finally sunk in, all the pieces fell into place. I’m now, not far from completing my final assessments and becoming a Tolman Health Coach and I want to help you to learn the 7 principles of health that I have, to make simple yet life-changing steps to heal yourself so that you can seize every day, filled with energy.
It’s amazing! I feel amazing! And I want you too.
Let’s get clear on what Verissima Health is all about: learning how to heal yourself.
Verissima means truest of true in Italian, real. It fits perfectly, the truest of true health, keeping it real.
- Classes, events! I want to teach people about the principles of health I have learned from the Tolman’s. I also want to share the truth about what products are treated with to meet regulatory standards & why I think you need to know this. I want to show you how to whip up a balm in the middle of the night if you need to, or create a yummy whole-food snack that your Kit-Kat-addicted friends will love.
I’ve created our first event. It’s happening on September 10th.
- 1:1 consults. I sit down with you and work with you 1 on 1 to get you back to that state of real health.
Will I still be creating natural skincare products?
- You betcha! But only a few. I’ll be including our therapeutic oil blends, remember them? Heavenly Balance, Digestive Ease, Inhale & Heal, Chest Rub, Peace Of Mind….
You’re excited, I can feel it.
I’m looking forward to bringing all this together and bit by bit getting even more out of my freaking comfort zone and engaging with you all.
So come on, join me at one or all of the places below –
If you love your Social Media, jump over to our Facebook page
Join our Live Simply Enjoy Life Facebook group – find inspiration, simple ideas, and guidance on improving your health
Book in for a 1-on-1 consult with me, by doing so you will be helping this student (me) complete her studies and become a fully-fledged Tolman Health Coach, yes! I will guide you through your healing and help keep you accountable and get you back to that state of real health
Come along to our in-person 1-day event, Get Back To Basics, Live Simply, Enjoy Life, I’d love to meet you
This is a bit of a different blog. Not particularly about anything other than to keep you informed. As you will see from our social media posts on Instagram and Facebook we’re on a manufacturing break. You can not buy anything from our website.
I know right, wtf!
I’m going to keep it nice and brief.
Like a lot of small businesses, Covid changed many things for us. Sourcing necessary items became near on impossible.
We powered on and were rewarded with some pretty darn special Organic Beauty Awards –
2020 Organic Beauty Awards
Gold Award: Verissima Hemp Body Lotion
Gold Award: Verissima Invigorating Face & Body Scrub
Gold Award: Verissima Natural Skincare Travel Kit
Editors Choice Award DAY CREAM: Verissima Soothing Rosehip Moisturiser
Editors Choice Award PM FACIAL SCRUB: Verissima Invigorating Face & Body Scrub
Gold Award: Verissima Rosehip Face Cleanser
BEST TARGETED REPAIR CREAMS – Gold Award: Verissima Soothing Rosehip Moisturiser
Silver Award: Verissima Invigorating Face & Body Scrub
It meant the world, kept us upbeat, and gave us enough fuel to keep going. But, to keep going the way we were was not going to end well. Something had to change. It means, for now, I am hanging up my apron and giving myself time to manage the business, look at other ways that Verissima can power on.
This has challenges. However, the opportunities it provides are enormous. Being able to once again have a reliable supply of products for our outlets and our customers is paramount.
Letting go of the making is massive. But I want to be able to keep our truly natural skincare range available to everyone and I want it to be for the long term, so hang in there whilst I work out our path forward.
Stick with us. I’m not sure how long this is going to take, there are lots of things to do. But come over for the ride, and keep in touch on our socials.
Quite a few years back our daughter caught Hand Foot & Mouth from kindy or day care. I freaked out, it sounded too much like the highly contagious disease Foot & Mouth that affected cloven-hoofed animals! What the heck was my daughter doing with it? But it’s a totally different thing. It’s viral and not a great deal modern medicine can do for it. I knew there was a lot we could actually do however and want to share with you.
Luckily her case wasn’t a bad one; she didn’t get the blisters and sores inside the mouth, just small ones on her hands and feet. But none the less it is contagious and uncomfortable. It means the time off work and time off school. I didn’t want our son catching it, or us for that matter so I did what I always seem to do and hit the books.
That’s when I was reacquainted with the story of the Black Death (1347), or Bubonic Plague as it was sometimes called.
Basically everyone was dying, millions of people were dying. It was so easy to spread and we now know that it was caused by a bacteria. Back then it was spread by rats, fleas and just sneezing coughing from the infected. Nothing could cure it! Apparently.
Now a story that has gone around fooooreveeeer, is that of 4 men who didn’t contract the disease and these men were ones who had been stealing from the dead!
Yep, physically coming into contact with those who had died from what they named the “black plague” in order to rob them. Apparently when in court for their crimes the judge offered leniency for the information on how they did not contract the disease. The answer was rubbing their hands, body in a blend of oils containing Eucalyptus, Lemon, Clove, Cinnamon, and Rosemary.
Mmmmm I thought if it worked for them, let’s give it a go.
I blended up the oils and made into a spritz to begin with and went around cleaning door handles, toilet seats, everything that could have been touched (which meant absolutely everything when it’s a wee toddler we’re talking about). Plus put them in the mop bucket and mopped the floor. Yep, everything.
I wanted to help her too so I had made into a lotion using the same oil blend but at a much less potency and massaged her feet and hands with it.
Now I don’t know if it was that or not but none of us caught it. Phew.
Then a few months later I thought mmmm I could make a hand wash out of that. When you research all the benefits of those essential oils they are an absolutely perfect blend for cleaning our grubby hands after collecting eggs from the chook house, working in the bush, in the bathroom, everywhere.
So that’s how our Deep Cleanse Handwash came about. It’s not some florally pretty smelling handwash which is made from synthetic fragrances.
It is a real hand cleaner made from high-quality plant-based essential oils which provides you with access to the incredible medicinal properties of these pure oils (documented for centuries) that also smell amazing.
I won’t list every benefit of these oils but here are a couple for each one I use (& what the “thieves” apparently used)
Rosmarinus officinalis (Rosemary) – antiseptic, traditionally burnt as a fumigant in sick rooms in France, a tonic for the stomach. Used to help with diarrhea, headache, scabies, bronchitis…..
Cinnamomum zeylanicum (Cinnamon) – the bark produces a much different oil than the leaves and stems and is what I choose to use at Verissima. Known as an antifungal, antimicrobial and Antiviral amongst others, so it looks like an oil spot on in helping with immunity.
Citrus limon (Lemon) – respiratory infections, sanitisation of wounds, treats skin spots. Lemon is pretty well known nowadays for it’s plethora of health benefits just from using the juice alone. Imagine a pure essential oil extracted from cold pressing the peel. It can be used to help clean your house too. Using in cleaning up drains is awesome, bit of bicarb bit of vinegar and some lemon essential oil works a treat.
Eucalyptus globulus (eucalyptus) – traditionally used by indigenous Australian for fever, chills, body aches and pains. It is used so widely nowadays as a cleaner as well as in throat gargles etc. I’ve used it to help lower high temperatures by getting a bowl of tepid water and a few drops of Eucalyptus, soaking a flannel and wrapping around the feet. I also use it in the final rinse of washing or in the washing cycle itself as it lifts oil stains. It’s awesome for removing the gluey sticky stuff left by stickers on appliances, windows jars as well.
Eugenia caryophyllata (Clove) – well known for its ability to ease the pain from your toothache, it instantly numbs it. Clove is also awesome for digestive issues and respiratory complaints. As well as being a deterrent for insects. Antifungal, antiviral, antispasmodic.
Together as you can see they pack a powerful punch. And with all the hoo harr about antibacterial claims on very popular hand washes not being effective, no more so than soap and water it’s kind of nice to look at these naturally occurring oils and think they may just assist somehow.
One of the major issues I have with running my business is being acutely aware of the impact we as individuals have on the planet, let alone the impact of a business. We do what we can to tread lightly but I’m not perfect and it’s darn hard to be, especially when you are a product based business who requires packaging, printing, postage (more packaging) etc.
When the devastating fires impacted Australia I felt absolutely useless and once again the environment was forefront in my mind along with lives lost and the impact of every individual involved.
I wanted to help but how?
I discovered one tree planted and decided as a business we would partner with them. We will be planting trees in Australia to begin with, to assist with the reforestation efforts on our east coast.
Trees clean our air and water, create habitats for biodiversity, contribute to our health and wellbeing, and create jobs for social impact. We are absolutely honored to have reforestation through One Tree Planted as an integral part of our business.
For every product you purchase, we plant a tree, it’s that easy.
I’ll be sharing our achievements on our Social Media pages, so if you haven’t already, be sure to start following us on Instagram or on Facebook.
I’ll be flashing those tree planting certificates everywhere. It also gives you a sense of accomplishment too, knowing that your dollar is going towards rebuilding habitat.
With the alarming rates at which our forests are being cleared and burned to be used for activities such as cattle grazing, palm oil, monoculture farming, ever expanding roads, I knew that reforestation is something I want to support.
There is so much going on in the world at the moment that it is very easy to get caught up in the hype of it all, feel powerless, start to stress, and just succumb to the fact that we are all going to get sick, very sick.
Well guess what, every day, people do get ill, whether a cold, cough, allergies, and some worse than others.
What is happening now is a bit scary, Coronavirus is real, it has unfortunately taken many lives and it is on our shores here in Australia. BUT, I feel, like I do with any illness, that we can come through this in the best possible way. I feel like I do when the natural change of season is upon us, or when any illness is upon us, that we can help ourselves, and I’m going to share 6 ways that I believe will help you and your family members.
Eat a diet filled with fresh, whole foods.
By this, I mean as close to how nature prepared it. I’ve moved more towards eating plants than meat due to a health scare at the end of 2019 into 2020. That’s a whole other blog that I will share with you later. But boy does my body feel better since doing this. No feeling bloated, no heavy legs, more energy, and clearer thoughts. I do not follow a diet; I am not vegan. I just choose to eat more plant-based now. It’s a great way to get all your nutrients without your body having to work hard, they are more easily digested and put to use quicker.But change slowly and under the guidance of a qualified health professional, choose one who works within wholefood plant-based nutrition. Guess what there are oodles of online recipes that are soooooo damn delicious, even my carnivore family come back for seconds!
Try a Juice Cleanse.
I did this prior to shifting to more plant-based eating and I try to incorporate one into every change of season. I cured my illness/symptoms before I had to go into hospital in January of this year, and as a result, I got the all-clear. I was stoked. As above, do under guidance if you are new to this. I originally started cleansing a few years back by signing up for Tyler Tolman’s free 7-day juice cleanse. I followed his guidance to the letter including the daily enemas (made your face screw up there didn’t I). How I felt at the end of this was bloody amazing, no more joint pains, my eyes so wide open, clarity of thought like never before oodles of energy. Just amazing.TIP If you are super busy, or even sick and can’t be bothered making your own juices there are plenty of online businesses that now offer fresh, cold-pressed (the best), home-delivered juices, even cleanse programs. With my last one, due to work commitments, being a mum, etc, etc I chose to have mine made for me and delivered. I used Inner Ego Their customer service was absolutely amazing and their juices, THE BEST. I would take into the office in my 6-pack and into the hospital too. So easy.
Get outdoors, breathe fresh air, let the sun get on your skin.
Sunlight is the best source of vitamin D, by getting outside you are giving your immune system the strength to fight illness and keep yourself from being susceptible to diseases. Fresh air is a natural powerhouse. Breathing in fresh outdoor air is super important to oxygenate our brain and for cellular function.
Try to lower your stress levels.
Easier said than done right. But necessary. When our bodies are under stress our adrenal gland produces excess Cortisol. Cortisol works with your brain to control your mood, it helps regulate your body’s sleep cycle, regulates blood pressure, assists the immune system to address injuries, infections and injuries and it provides anti-inflammatory effects in order to reduce irritation & pain. It’s a necessary part of a healthy system but too much is not so good. To ensure we are reducing our stress levels and keeping our Cortisol at a healthy level we can make sure we get a great nights sleep, exercise somewhat but not excess over the top exercise – try walking, swimming, caving, crabbing, surfing, whatever takes your fancy, try to relax more, be present in the moment and enjoy life – try yoga or pilates and if you are in Perth I highly recommend two ladies Jodie Tapper and Colette Corr. These all help to reduce your stress levels and therefore boost your immune system.
Keep healthy, meaningful relationships.
You know the people who make you smile, feel good about yourself, lift you up when down, give you a good belly laugh every now and then, well keep them around you. Toxic relationships whether with partners, family, work colleagues only cause you stress and your body stress. A stressed body is not the best one to help fight off illness. So let the relationships go that don’t feel right if you don’t think they can become a healthy relationship then just let them end.
Look for ways that help you take care of you.
For me, this includes a monthly Bowen/ITA session with Tracy Omeara Smith This is an hour, sometimes more where my body is reset, my brain is given a break and my energy is re-centered. I may walk in there feeling completely scattered, out of alignment, yet I walk out with steadfast focus, muscles and joints feeling fantastic and my whole being just feeling amazing.
Your go-to might be different, you may enjoy your weekly Yoga, Pilates, Gym session, massage, whatever it may be, but I urge you to find something that incorporates mindfulness, relaxation and works deep within your soul to help you in challenging times but also supports you and keeps you grounded when you are flying high.
Overall, we all know that life truly is a gift. We are not promised tomorrow so we might as well make the best use of today.
I hope these tips give you a sense of hope, of happiness and assist you in someway to boost your immune system, to live simply and enjoy life.
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The more people we can educate on healing oneself, living simply and having fun, the better –
One of the most common questions I get asked is whether I have a natural skin rash cream. Which I do, but I rarely go straight to that. Why, because all it will do is put out the fire so to speak, it won’t fix the underlying inflammation issue forever. Neither will, in my opinion, any strong steroidal cream. What do I suggest instead? Get to the root of the problem, what is causing it?
This means looking inside and yes, it’s not a quick fix, but bloody worth it. I’ve collated some things I’ve done for my kids and used myself over the years. I hope it helps you and your loved ones.
With so many different opinions out there, it can become really confusing and overwhelming when trying to make ours or our little ones lives a bit easier. Often you will find that what causes your inflammation is not what causes another’s.
But the one thing I have found whether for me, my children, friends is that once we get rid of the crap in our diet and lives we improve, and dramatically.
Where to start –
I bounced around for ages from one bit of advice to the next so what I suggest now and help you to stop wasting time and just cut to the chase is listed below.
I’d enlist the help of a professional in nutritional medicine, more specifically orthomolecular medicine or a qualified Naturopath (such as Kat Blake).
Getting to the root cause is imperative.
Orthomolecular medicine is where I ended up many years ago, I didn’t have a trusted Naturopath in my bag of tricks. It works from a cellular level so basically where all life is created. Here in Perth WA we went and seen Dr Igor Tabrizian. No matter where you live there will be someone similar to him working in this area.
You can be eating the cleanest food, full of life, certified organic/biodynamic, yet your body won’t be able to assimilate the goodness if it has high amounts of toxic metals and elements that literally block the goodness from being absorbed. Part of this process involves a hair analysis and then follow up appointments, whereby specific minerals, vitamins are prescribed to help pull the toxins out of the system and then to increase the goodies. A compounding chemist prepares these custom preparations for you.
From here all the improvements you make in your diet will be given their best chance to work.
Alongside this, take note, literally get a notepad and pen and keep track of what you are putting into your body in the way of food and liquids. Or pop them into an app on your phone. Notice how they make you feel.
If it’s your child that you are concerned with, do this for them.
Now start to cut out all the processed stuff with the help of your chosen health professional.
By this I mean anything that is not as close to how nature provided it. This is the packaged stuff, the lollies, the ice creams, all the junk stuff and definitely all the white stuff – white bread, white sugar, rice, flour, and while I’m at it the gluten free flour etc, there are far more nutritious options available, again your health professional can help you.
Look to wholefoods, real food. You’ll be surprised at the money you save too.
Notice what foods make you feel bloated, lifeless, aching heavy legs.
What you will find is that what creates problems for one person maybe fine for another.
For example, my son as a little one, only tolerated raw milk, if given “normal” readily available milk (homogenised/pasteurised) he would bloat, stools float and then get a rash (eczema). How did I find this out? I cut out my dairy intake altogether when I was breastfeeding. His silent reflux subsided dramatically. He actually slept through for a whole entire night! What bliss.
I was suggested ‘real milk’, but It is illegal in Australia for farms to sell unpasteurised milk to the public. It is available for cosmetic purposes only. The only alternative you have is to get yourself a cow. So, I would source local goats milk, or I would get Cleopatra’s Bath Milk (certified organic) from Qld to soak my feet in :-0 . I would also combine Rice Milk with Coconut Milk (coconut having the fats needed for brain development etc in little ones).
For him, I also limited the yoghurt, although filled with beneficial bacteria, many yogurts also have added sugars, milk solids, flavourings which can disrupt your gut flora. Unless it is again local goats milk yoghurt or I also buy South Australian Paris creek Organic yoghurt, this has no milk solids added to it which some people and kids react to. It’s has a runnier consistency than most yoghurts, this is because it doesn’t have added milk solids (that may cause problems) it’s a really great form of probiotics. You can also easily make your own.
For my daughter, I found out that the rashes would come after consuming grain, mainly wheat, and still does when we get slack. So I turned to ancient grains of spelt instead and as long as not too much in the diet, no rashes.
A topical skin rash cream will provide relief as mentioned, but you need to get to the root of the problem.
If like I was and you have no idea where to start when it comes to wholefoods there are heaps of cooks out there now helping you understand and cook with wholefoods. I did numerous wholefood cooking classes with Jude Blureau, my saviour.
I also love Chef Cynthia Louise –
I did say it wasn’t a quick fix.
This is why.
You will need to take the time to allow your body to cleanse and then restore.
A great time to take control is when your bub is starting solids. I found this is when my two started rashing up.
It’s also where I was completely shocked at the ingredients I found in a skin rash cream and why I now educate others on how to find the toxins in their skincare. It’s so much easier when you don’t have as many culprits that ‘maybe causing the issues’. As adults, well we just have to go back to the drawing board.
It really involves getting back to basics, using real food as close to its natural state as possible.
We, as a family, are far from vegetarian but I think introducing more raw food into anyone’s diet would definitely be a bonus not only for our kids but for us. Smoothies with superfoods are wonderful. Get rid of all the processed foods and reap the benefits.
Another great superfood/probiotic in a cup is kefir. You make smoothies using this it’s wonderful the kids love it and it is super awesome, I have what is called kefir grains if you’re interested to get started. A great site to read on benefits of this is Dom’s About Kefir in-site this requires a good cuppa (or smoothie) and plenty of time, there is so much interesting information. Dom’s About Kefir in-site
Watch what you wash your clothes in too.
For our son I was just using the lux soap flakes but a pain in behind to rinse the machine, so moved onto Tri-Nature, for our daughter I have found the Planet Ark sensitive skin ok.
In a nutshell here’s my alternatives to just using a skin rash cream-
- Enlist the help of a whole-life health professional
- Get a good probiotic going
- Eat unprocessed foods and limit the grain if advised to.
- Introduce juicing, supervised at the start into your life
- Introduce kefir / good yoghurt, natural probiotics
- Natural topical skin rash cream / lotion to ease the itch as you find your way
- Find a fitness class or technique that you enjoy. A great pilates instructor here in Perth is Jodie Tapper, an awesome yoga instructor is Colette Corr, full on, hard yakka fitness might not be the best through this time, go gentle. Walk, swim, but just do something that will be for you.
- Try to breathe and get some sleep – this isn’t an easy road for many, I know it was hard going and frustrating for me.
From my experience a lot of skin issues can result from emotional upsets and digestive upsets. Taking care of where you are at, right now in your life is very important. Do something just for you once a week, if only for 15 minutes, just you no distractions.
It may take time and practise but you will get there.
Handy websites / books that I have read, used and followed –
Wholefood Cooking with Jude Blereau this is where I started 15 years ago now, done many a cooking class with Jude starting with Nourishing Wisdom – basics of wholefood. Then went on from there.
Weston A Price Foundation heaps of info here, very interesting and helps understand the benefits of real fats
Additive Alert Julie Eady
The Untold Story of Milk by Ron Schmid
Benefits of Juice Fasting I’ve done a 7 day fast and it blew my mind! Energy, sleep, just felt AMAZING.
As mentioned this is not a quick fix and I highly recommend you have a trusted health professional to guide you, cheer you on and help you understand what is causing your inflammation issues.
Here’s to getting back to basics, living simply and enjoying life.
x Nat
If you would like to be one of the crew who receives our blogs in your inbox when I feel inspired to write pop your name on our list
We’ll never spam you. We’ll only send you information relating to natural health, beauty and wellness. Plus the odd farm shenanigans that we get up to here at Booka whilst trying to raise sheep, chickens, kids (human variety) and grow some feed as naturally as possible, all the while not losing the plot.
And, if you love your Social Media, then jump over to our Instagram and Facebook pages and give us some love. Spread the word far and wide.
The more people we can educate on healing oneself, living simply and having fun, the better.
Have you ever thought about living off the land, getting away from it all and seeing if you can make it without all the stuff?
In 2009 we moved into our home that I affectionately call, Booka Farm, I had a dream of creating a sustainable living back then, and it hasn’t changed. I gave that name to this property because it brings back fun memories of our beach shack that we were lucky and privileged enough to holiday at every chance we got when growing up. It was a fair hike from our home in the Pilbara town of Hedland, some 1500 odd kilometres away. They were tin shacks with push out windows, pit toilet and if you were fancy, a donkey set up for hot water, oh and came with ocean views and a hop skip and jump through the sand to the beach. I look back at this time and my time growing up on Main Roads camps in the Pilbara and Kimberley and know that it was this simple upbringing that gives me my thirst to find out all that I can about living simply, and to use these techniques any which way I can to live pretty naturally.
Not always easy, not always successfully, but I have a heck of a lot of fun trying.
This year has been the first year for us to put in a crop. What a learning curve. There’s no way I would have synthetic inputs. Nup, no way. No superphosphate here thanks. So late at night when my partner arrived home with bags of goodness to put on the crop that night, because the rains were coming and they needed fertilising, it meant a few cursed words when some were not as ‘natural’ as I wanted. Did they go on? No. Did we separate over the discussion? No. He gets me, whilst he may not agree with all my ideas, he at least respects my thinking.
Here’s what we did to get started on our sustainable farming journey and put in our crop as naturally as possible.
Our neighbour, so helpful & knowledgeable, came over with his tractor and bits attached to prepare the soil. Think it’s called harrow, I did ask, promptly forgot. He made it mostly himself, very clever man.
We had purchased seed – oats and pasture grass. We wanted something that our little flock of sheep could graze over rather than bale up. I read a lot of Pat Coleby’s books, they are my bible, and I like the idea of keeping on your land what you need rather than intense farming to feed others. If we can grow enough to feed our sheep so we don’t have to buy any in during the summer months how cool would that be?
Even better would be to grow lots of things to feed our sheep, chooks and us! Imagine that.
We used pelletised chook manure for fertiliser. Whilst I know, well, I’ve read this may not be the best because of the farms it comes from, and inputs they use, it’s as close as I could get with what I knew. I’d love to go down the line of remineralising the land to forgo this need. That’s my long-term goal.
In it all went. Then we waited for them to grow. I often went and peaked out at the bare earth.
And finally, it came up. Bit sparse, but a bit more rain, bit more sunshine and it’s looking quite ok for first timers, I think. This sustainable living gig might actually work.
What other things are we growing?
We have put in some vegies. I’ve grown a few things since being here, broccoli, kale, carrot, spuds, cauli, lettuce. I think I’ve tried most things, not always successfully.
This year we put in a few more fruit trees too. I’d love to have something fruiting every month so I’ve sat down and written tree names, when the fruit will be ready.
Is anyone else spending their precious time doing this? I get weird looks from some people but one day when this property is brimming with produce I’ll have the biggest smile.
Figs all f**d up!
Whilst on the subject of fruit trees. Our fig tree is big and beautiful and normally has abundant fruit but last year it got this gremlin on it and it went all over our fruit. I asked Dr Google and from what I can figure out it is a scale, barnacle scale of some sort. I squish them and its all purpley coloured. I thought the onslaught of ants were eating them and left them alone to do their thing. Little did I know they were moving them all over the tree! No figs last season.
Another friend came over and mentioned that there was black soot too, which I’m thinking might be a result of the scale or is it vice versa?
Anyway, this year I’m on top of it, hopefully. I’ve learned not to kill the messenger and take this as a message that the trees need some extra loving, they may be lacking in something for them to come under attack. So I’m researching natural citrus fertilisers.
My detective hat is on, if you have any clue, please let me know I’d really appreciate the help. In the meantime, I’ve made up a natural scale bug killer oil.
Thanks to the crew at the Green Life Soil Company I came across their recipe online. I made up their White Oil Spray and added a teaspoon of Neem Oil into it. I’m thinking kill the bug, control the soot and we’ll be right.
This is our sustainable living journey so far. Enough going on here to keep anyone out of trouble.
We are harvesting our grey water to feed the new fruit trees – dwarf apricot, mandarin, granny smith apple, high early apple (I think).
We have established fruit trees of Mulberry, Fig and Mayer Lemon.
We planted in Lime, Navel Orange, Pink Lady Apple, another apple (died), Peacharine, feijoa last year.
We are on bore and rain water here, no mains.
We have chickens for eggs, to eat weeds, provide manure for garden (after letting it age for quite some time) and company. Nothing better than watching your chooks at play.
I’ve started a compost heap so many times then forgot about it, then started it again. I’ve got one going now and chucking on the chook poo there too.
We did have a worm farm. Yep forgot about that to. It’s on the list to revive so I can use the wee on the garden.
We have some vegies in. Spuds soon to be harvested and we are munching on kale, lettuce, the odd pea here and there.
We’ve got heaps of roof space to collect water now with a new patio that my amazing partner built. Might need another water tank…noted.
I’m trying to reduce the plastic and useless packaging in our everyday life. Whilst I’m onto it in the business when it comes to shopping, omg, it’s not easy. I loved visiting farmers markets but now we are quite a big drive away from any and our Perth organic businesses who home deliver don’t like coming up the hill this far.
Our crop is in and it’s growing. I’m over the moon happy it hasn’t got any synthetic inputs in it and crossing fingers it all works out. If you have any tips on what organic inputs we can use please let me know.
Washing is done with grey water safe detergent and I pop a few drops of Tea Tree oil in the final cycle.
We make all our own body care products through my business. Well we get the leftovers, but hey that’s amazing I think!
We have a scraps bucket for any leftovers suitable for chickens.
I try and make any bug killers that attack our trees and whip up a mean concoction to help heal our sheep or chooks, cats & dog if ever they get into trouble.
As you know I’m a big believer in doing what you can with what you’ve got. If you’re not on property you can still grow lots of things and put in practises to help in your sustainable living journey.
I love a Facebook group called Jettos Patch, check it out, lots of tips and there’s bound to be more. If you know of some great ones on natural farming, sustainable living be sure to let us know.
Oh, and I’m letting go of perfectionism. Just do it! Give it go and see what happens, that’s half the fun right there.
If you loved reading about our jouney and would like to be one of the crew who receives our blogs in your inbox when I feel inspired to write, pop your name on our list
We’ll never spam you. We’ll only send you information relating to natural health, beauty and wellness, sustainable living. Plus, the odd farm shenanigans that we get up to here at Booka whilst trying to raise sheep, chickens, kids (human variety) and grow some feed as naturally as possible, all the while not losing the plot.
And, if you love your Social Media, then jump over to our Instagram and Facebook pages and give us some love. Spread the word far and wide. The more people we can educate on healing oneself, living simply and having fun, the better. and
Remember, we only have one life and one planet, enjoy it, protect it.
It’s not what we intended in the beginning, heck I hadn’t even noticed it until a friend, who happened to be vegan, asked the question – Nat, do you create vegan skin care products? I’ll admit I was a little taken aback, I had not given any thought to it.
You see, Verissima was formulated by a certified Aromatherapist & Gestalt Therapist which means your entire wellbeing; physical, mental and spiritual was in mind when each and every product was developed.
When a need arose, an aromatherapy blend was carefully put together, that blend was intended to help heal, to make one feel better using the ingredients from natures pantry. Creating vegan skin care was not her mission.
This blend was then carefully incorporated into a recipe to make a product that the person would benefit from using, a bit like medicine I suppose. Amazing. Arising out of need, the way it should be.
When I, an environmentalist, took the range under my wings I drastically improved every product by only using natural, certified organic and non-toxic ingredients so not only were us humans being looked after, so was our planet.
I was confused! Vegan? No, they are not. But is vegan skin care the best?
Does that mean they are not everything that I had worked so hard for them to be?
No, it didn’t.
I decided to revisit every recipe, to go through them with a fine-tooth comb to ease my curious mind & to make sure I hadn’t missed an important issue when formulating our products.
Immediately, I knew those products that I used beeswax in, were not vegan skin care. I was a little aghast at that. In my mind beeswax has so many beneficial healing benefits, plus I only sourced our beeswax from a local certified organic farm. But I do understand that the wellbeing of the animal comes first, that is what I am about to so why no beeswax in vegan skincare?
Well I did learn that some company’s factory farm bee’s. What the? Yes, according to People For The Ethical Treatment Of Animals (PETA) “…Factory-farmed bees are denied their hardwired, instinctual desire to seek out nearby flowers and plants to pollinate…” and I totally get that.
I was rather happy to know I was not supporting that culture by only sourcing our beeswax from a Certified Organic apiarist where the wellbeing of the animal is paramount. I know they personally drive hundreds of kilometres, at different times of the year, to where their hives are located because they work with nature, with what flowers are in season. Rather than sticking all the bees in a factory they have hives amongst the natural ecosystems and they travel to them.
I’m not even sure if that practise occurs in Australia, I hope not.
I also found out that “…bees won’t urinate or defecate in their hives, they are forced, while trapped inside boxes, to “hold it.” Many bees—and sometimes entire colonies—die from this ordeal”. I was beginning to understand the importance of vegan skin care.
So not being allowed out into the world has dire consequences. Omg! Imagine if we were made to hold it, no thanks!
And I’m acutely aware of the pests and diseases that bees are prone to. If a hive were found to be infested, they are burned or sprayed with toxic chemicals to kill of the pest or disease. I do understand why products with beeswax or honey is frowned upon by vegans.
In my previous employment as a Quarantine Officer, part of my responsibilities included inspecting any machinery entering Western Australia, including apiary equipment. At the time, used apiary equipment was prohibited entry due to the potential risk of introducing pests and diseases here. Honey from other States and Territories had to be heat treated at extremely high temperatures to prevent pests and diseases from establishing themselves. Hence why I only buy fresh local honey from the farm, it hasn’t been heat treated and, in my opinion, it’s amazing health promoting goodness is intact and the welfare of the colony comes first. But that’s another story.
So that meant of our 23 products, 5 were out straight away. Our Rosehip Moisturiser, Lip Balm, Healing Balm, Gardeners Hand Cream and our Rich Night Cream were not vegan.
But that was it! Only 5 products in our entire range were not vegan but the only animal derived ingredient we used in these were certified organic beeswax. We do not use any other animal derived ingredients.
What a relief!
So what is Verissima’s stance on using animal derived ingredients?
Now that I have re-visited all our recipes I am thrilled to say that what I initially wanted in our range, still stands.
Verissima incorporates purposeful ingredients in all products so you confidently know every ingredient is included because it needs to be there to contribute to optimal wellbeing. We do not believe in testing on animals, we do not believe any animal or human for that matter should be harmed for beauty. There is just no need whatsoever and those who do think it is ok need to take a good look at themselves in the mirror.
We formulate our products with the health of you and the health of the planet in mind, using only natural & organic ingredients meaning you are benefiting from all the goodness nature has to offer, every time you use Verissima. Our entire range is not vegan, and in your mind vegan skin care might be the best. I think we have achieved an ethical, sustainable and effective skin care range than many vegan’s will love, including my friend.
You can check out our completely vegan products here.
Are you vegan, do you already use Verissima? I’d love to know.
If you would like to be one of the crew who receives our blogs in your inbox when I feel inspired to write pop your name on our list
We’ll never spam you. We’ll only send you information relating to natural health, beauty and wellness. Plus the odd farm shenanigans that we get up to here at Booka whilst trying to raise sheep, chickens, kids (human variety) and grow some feed as naturally as possible, all the while not losing the plot.
And, if you love your Social Media, then jump over to our Instagram and Facebook pages and give us some love. Spread the word far and wide. The more people we can educate on healing oneself, living simply and having fun, the better.
You’d think sourcing a bag to house 5 of our best-selling products, ones being put together to create our Travel Set would be easy. Perhaps vegan leather would be the best choice, but what actually is vegan leather? Leather is leather right, surely it can’t be made as good from plants. I wanted a bag that was versatile, tough, waterproof and looked amazing, easy enough.
Reality was totally different. It wasn’t easy at all unless I wanted to let go of my brands values and ethics, and I wasn’t about to do that. It took me well over a year to find just what I wanted.
I had actually given up hope and shelved the idea numerous times, completely frustrated.
That was until an opportunity with the crew at Wilde Collaborative presented itself. An opportunity to showcase our products in the beautiful region of Italy. I said yes, loved too. It would be the perfect opportunity to birth our yet to be created Travel Set. Not hard at all (whaaaat).
Now to find that bag, but where? I’d looked everywhere, googled everything. I discovered it was right in front of me.
A beautiful photo landed in my inbox. It piqued my interest. I loved the bag our products were photographed next to. Who made that? Could I get a bag similar to that?
And that is where my intense learning trip began. I thought the beauty industry had a lot to answer for in misguiding the public, and it does. I now put it alongside the fashion industry, another industry that needs a major shakeup to become more transparent and put people and planet first.
Fashion is not just fashion. It can be a dirty, disgusting and a greedy trade to be involved in. What the hell am I doing getting involved in this. Yet my heart had already made the decision. I had already decided that I would not use any materials that would harm the planet, a great place to start. Then I found myself reading horror stories on how people bleed, even die, making our clothes, our bags. I was disgusted.
My research started in earnest. I began by trying to source a ready-made bag yet I could not find something that met all my criteria. The majority were single use plastic, or cotton, and I had no interest in contributing to landfill, or contributing to the decline of our planet’s health. I ended up looking into materials instead.
How many ethical & sustainable material choices could there be?
It turns out quite a few. But not all were as they seemed.
One really caught my eye.
I kept seeing vegan leather being mentioned in different forums. Now I’m not a vegan but after reading just how toxic the tannery sheds are where the skins are manufactured plus the horrendous effects it had on the humans breathing in all that toxic air, let alone the cruelty to animals, in some cases, being reared just for the skin. Sickening. I didn’t want anything to do with bovine leather for our bags.
So, what is vegan leather? Turns out it is just that, leather made from materials that have not been sourced from animals. Pretty simple right. Awesome!
No, not simple.
You see vegan leather or faux leather normally contains a mix of Polyurethane, Polyester, and PVC in various concentrations, eeeek. Whilst ok for the animal, because it’s not getting slaughtered, this is not ok for the planet.
All these are manufactured from fossil fuels and come with the whole conglomerate of environmental issues when extracting them. Then think of the fact that they do not break down easily and when they do, they leave behind microplastics which are ingested by our wildlife and pollute our planet.
PVC itself gives off dangerous chemicals such as dioxins during the manufacturing process plus it needs phthalates, endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDC’s), to become flexible.
Dioxins and phthalates are known EDC’s and when possible should be avoided. Imagine working in the manufacturing sheds making these, breathing in the toxic fumes all day, not thanks, and I wouldn’t want others to either.
Back to the drawing board. Hemp, bamboo, cork, mushrooms…. no. Not waterproof, not elegant enough. What about Piñatex®?
A material made from the waste of pineapple harvesting. What would normally go to waste, was now being used and providing extra income for the farmers. How cool is that. It ticked all my boxes.
High quality
Looks amazing
Easy to clean
Supporting the farmers
Extremely strong
I had found the answer. Yes, this material was more expensive than others but I don’t put a price on protecting lives or protecting the planet. I believe every little thing we can do, we should do, in order to make it a better place for everyone and to ensure it’s here for generations to come.
No one should have to bleed or die for fashion.
I decided this was the material for Verissima. I knew it could be designed into a beautiful multipurpose item, perhaps a makeup bag, why not empty it out and use as an elegant evening clutch on that unexpected yet exciting night out.
Imagine walking into your room at a well-earned and needed retreat and finding this beautiful Travel Set sitting on your comfy bed as a welcome gift from your host. Imagine being that host and gifting this to your attendees.
I was determined to use this material and set about finding myself a reputable and talented manufacturer. I was successful. No being made in makeshift shanty’s overseas where working conditions are well below fair. No being made by hard working people who don’t even get paid.
Instead I found a manufacturer who is part of the Ethical Fashion Revolution. Someone I could trust and understood how important this was to me.
We were done. We made zip choices, colour choices, inner material choices. It all went so well, seamlessly (haha) and now we have a beautiful ethical and sustainable multipurpose clutch as part of our product line.
Our Travel Set contains 5 of our best sellers so you’re not only helping the planet but your skin will feel good and smell amazing whilst you are away on your holidays or business travel. Every part of our Travel Set is made from natural and/or organic ingredients giving you peace of mind knowing that not only are the skincare products free from toxic chemicals but the production of the bag itself has harmed no-one, has come from a sustainable source and provides income directly to those that harvest the materials. Amazing.
You can check out our complete kit here or even purchase the bag on it’s own here
If you are a retailer or event organiser wanting to offer this unique product, get in touch with Nat at
And, if you love your Social Media, then jump over to our Instagram and Facebook pages and give us some love. Spread the word far and wide. The more people we can educate on healing oneself, living simply and having fun, the better.