There’s a whole plethora of information and disinformation out there about juice fasting. So how does one know whether it’s good for you or not? I always encourage people to do their own research, collate the information and make up their own minds. Go onto reputed sites for published medical papers, read, read, read. But, the best thing to do is experience it for yourself.


My first juice fast lasted 7 days, I meticulously followed along online and made sure that I completed all the movement and mind exercises that were suggested.

This fast was back in 2017, my body was feeling pretty bad, my legs were like concrete, my joints in my fingers were swollen and sore. I had zero energy. I always remember walking up to our chook house and thinking it was too much, something has to be wrong with me, something bad. Fibromyalgia had been mentioned to me, I hadn’t even heard of it before, so dismissed it and got on with life, well tried to.


I had landed at a point where I wasn’t enjoying life though, it was all ‘too hard”. I had hit the wall, no zip, no fuel. Depleted!


I also knew that I was the one in charge of my mind and my body and I could go looking for what was wrong with me or, I could go in search of a way to feel better.

I chose option two, signed up for a juice fast and that was that.


No more inflammation, no more pain, my head was super clear, my eyes were so wide open it was friggen phenomenal. And the most important thing, I had energy. I felt alive and happy and I just wanted to never feel like shit again.

And as I’ve learned more and more about this ancient technique of fasting, it just makes so much sense.

Animals in the wild don’t eat when they are sick, why do we?

For me fasting is a tool that I keep in my belt. If I’ve indulged for way to long, I’ve celebrated a bit too hard haha over the festive season, or if I become unwell (rarely now) then I will pull it out and use it.

The key though, I have found, is to live a life where we don’t do the things, or consume the things that make us feel like crap in the first place.

Pretty simple hey?

I’ve popped together a list of the key benefits of fasting. These have been taught to me by my mentor and teacher Tyler Tolman.

What a list!

  1. Fasting Promotes Detoxification
  2. Fasting Gives the Digestive System a Break
  3. Fasting Resolves Inflammatory Response
  4. Fasting Reduces Blood Sugar
  5. Fasting Increases Fat Metabolism
  6. Fasting Corrects High Blood Pressure
  7. Fasting Promotes Weight Loss
  8. Fasting Promotes a Healthy Diet
  9. Fasting Boosts Immunity

If you are keen to learn more about how to up your health, not just by fasting, Tyler regularly hosts a 3-day amazing, motivational and transformational event called H.E.A.L The next one is happening really soon, on the 26th – 28th of August. Head over and see if it is something that you would love to do. Full disclosure here, I earn a commission when you click through using my link, but you’ll love the link cause you save a heap of money.

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Looking for some guidance and help you up your health? Book in for a 1 on 1 consult with me, as a student Tolman Health Coach I am able to offer this to you at $49. I will guide you through your healing, help to keep you accountable, and get you back to that state of real health.  

If you feel like a day away from it all, a day just for you… No technology, no work demands and no children (with love!!!) 
To unravel your stress, unwind your tension and reset your body. Come along to our in-person 1-day event September 10th. It’s going to be amazing.