Events, Retreats, Health Coaching, And Our Award Winning Natural Skincare Provide You With Everything You Need To Experience Optimal Health.

Blogging, Booka Farm, Baby Bum Butter, and Breathing

The Verissima Blog

Wait, don’t I have a business and a job and children and birthing sheep (at the moment?) Why on earth do I need a blog?

Because I want to keep singing about not needing all this fancy stuff to get by in life, I want to be able to share with you how we can make our own products, food, love and fun, if we want.

I want you to give yourself a break if not everything in your house is Certified Organic, or that if you eat a tiny bit of junk food. I want you to understand that life is here, right now, not tomorrow. We are not promised tomorrow and stressing over the little things only takes away the joy of what you can experience at this very moment.

When you are purchasing food or personal care products, a sticky label depicting Certified Organic is fantastic. But I know myself there are legitimate businesses out there who have not become certified organic for various reasons. Look deeper, ask questions. Do they farm ethically, do they care for the land, our Earth. If so, for how long? You might just find that a local farmer/ business is extremely steadfast about growing/creating produce in tune with Mother Nature.

Basically, you don’t need any synthetic crap on your face or in your body. Get back to basics, cook and make personal care products with real ingredients. While you’re at it, stir in loads of love and have some fun. I still drink beer, I buy organic when I can (even with the extra sticky labels!) and I grow/rear what I can.

You can have fantastic, natural products at an affordable price, made by a human who cares about other humans (that’s me!)

We Don’t Need All The Fancy Stuff

We Don’t Need All The Fancy Stuff

If there's one main message I want to get across to people, it would be that we don’t need all the fancy stuff to get by in life, we can make our own products if we so wish. We don’t need all the “organic” this and “organic” that, we can source pure ingredients...

How to Get Rid of a Cold Fast

How to Get Rid of a Cold Fast

Do you want to know how to rid of a cold fast? Of course you do. No-one likes feeling darn miserable with a thumping head, nose running like a tap and a blimme annoying cough for too long. It's once again that time of year when the cold air wraps around us, we hunt...

Booka Farm

Booka Farm

Booka Farm – Home to Verissima Natural Skincare / Ridgey Didge Roofing oh and us! I would like to introduce you all to our Farm. We lived here for some time before it found its name. The name Booka originates from a special place that both Brad and I hold close to our...