There is so much going on in the world at the moment that it is very easy to get caught up in the hype of it all, feel powerless, start to stress, and just succumb to the fact that we are all going to get sick, very sick.
Well guess what, every day, people do get ill, whether a cold, cough, allergies, and some worse than others.
What is happening now is a bit scary, Coronavirus is real, it has unfortunately taken many lives and it is on our shores here in Australia. BUT, I feel, like I do with any illness, that we can come through this in the best possible way. I feel like I do when the natural change of season is upon us, or when any illness is upon us, that we can help ourselves, and I’m going to share 6 ways that I believe will help you and your family members.
Eat a diet filled with fresh, whole foods.
By this, I mean as close to how nature prepared it. I’ve moved more towards eating plants than meat due to a health scare at the end of 2019 into 2020. That’s a whole other blog that I will share with you later. But boy does my body feel better since doing this. No feeling bloated, no heavy legs, more energy, and clearer thoughts. I do not follow a diet; I am not vegan. I just choose to eat more plant-based now. It’s a great way to get all your nutrients without your body having to work hard, they are more easily digested and put to use quicker.But change slowly and under the guidance of a qualified health professional, choose one who works within wholefood plant-based nutrition. Guess what there are oodles of online recipes that are soooooo damn delicious, even my carnivore family come back for seconds!
Try a Juice Cleanse.
I did this prior to shifting to more plant-based eating and I try to incorporate one into every change of season. I cured my illness/symptoms before I had to go into hospital in January of this year, and as a result, I got the all-clear. I was stoked. As above, do under guidance if you are new to this. I originally started cleansing a few years back by signing up for Tyler Tolman’s free 7-day juice cleanse. I followed his guidance to the letter including the daily enemas (made your face screw up there didn’t I). How I felt at the end of this was bloody amazing, no more joint pains, my eyes so wide open, clarity of thought like never before oodles of energy. Just amazing.TIP If you are super busy, or even sick and can’t be bothered making your own juices there are plenty of online businesses that now offer fresh, cold-pressed (the best), home-delivered juices, even cleanse programs. With my last one, due to work commitments, being a mum, etc, etc I chose to have mine made for me and delivered. I used Inner Ego Their customer service was absolutely amazing and their juices, THE BEST. I would take into the office in my 6-pack and into the hospital too. So easy.
Get outdoors, breathe fresh air, let the sun get on your skin.
Sunlight is the best source of vitamin D, by getting outside you are giving your immune system the strength to fight illness and keep yourself from being susceptible to diseases. Fresh air is a natural powerhouse. Breathing in fresh outdoor air is super important to oxygenate our brain and for cellular function.
Try to lower your stress levels.
Easier said than done right. But necessary. When our bodies are under stress our adrenal gland produces excess Cortisol. Cortisol works with your brain to control your mood, it helps regulate your body’s sleep cycle, regulates blood pressure, assists the immune system to address injuries, infections and injuries and it provides anti-inflammatory effects in order to reduce irritation & pain. It’s a necessary part of a healthy system but too much is not so good. To ensure we are reducing our stress levels and keeping our Cortisol at a healthy level we can make sure we get a great nights sleep, exercise somewhat but not excess over the top exercise – try walking, swimming, caving, crabbing, surfing, whatever takes your fancy, try to relax more, be present in the moment and enjoy life – try yoga or pilates and if you are in Perth I highly recommend two ladies Jodie Tapper and Colette Corr. These all help to reduce your stress levels and therefore boost your immune system.
Keep healthy, meaningful relationships.
You know the people who make you smile, feel good about yourself, lift you up when down, give you a good belly laugh every now and then, well keep them around you. Toxic relationships whether with partners, family, work colleagues only cause you stress and your body stress. A stressed body is not the best one to help fight off illness. So let the relationships go that don’t feel right if you don’t think they can become a healthy relationship then just let them end.
Look for ways that help you take care of you.
For me, this includes a monthly Bowen/ITA session with Tracy Omeara Smith This is an hour, sometimes more where my body is reset, my brain is given a break and my energy is re-centered. I may walk in there feeling completely scattered, out of alignment, yet I walk out with steadfast focus, muscles and joints feeling fantastic and my whole being just feeling amazing.
Your go-to might be different, you may enjoy your weekly Yoga, Pilates, Gym session, massage, whatever it may be, but I urge you to find something that incorporates mindfulness, relaxation and works deep within your soul to help you in challenging times but also supports you and keeps you grounded when you are flying high.
Overall, we all know that life truly is a gift. We are not promised tomorrow so we might as well make the best use of today.
I hope these tips give you a sense of hope, of happiness and assist you in someway to boost your immune system, to live simply and enjoy life.
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The more people we can educate on healing oneself, living simply and having fun, the better –
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