The Power Is In Your Hands

The Power Is In Your Hands

Quite a few years back our daughter caught Hand Foot & Mouth from kindy or day care. I freaked out, it sounded too much like the highly contagious disease Foot & Mouth that affected cloven-hoofed animals! What the heck was my daughter doing with it? But it’s a totally different thing. It’s viral and not a great deal modern medicine can do for it. I knew there was a lot we could actually do however and want to share with you.

Luckily her case wasn’t a bad one; she didn’t get the blisters and sores inside the mouth, just small ones on her hands and feet. But none the less it is contagious and uncomfortable. It means the time off work and time off school. I didn’t want our son catching it, or us for that matter so I did what I always seem to do and hit the books.

That’s when I was reacquainted with the story of the Black Death (1347), or Bubonic Plague as it was sometimes called.

Basically everyone was dying, millions of people were dying. It was so easy to spread and we now know that it was caused by a bacteria. Back then it was spread by rats, fleas and just sneezing coughing from the infected. Nothing could cure it! Apparently.

Now a story that has gone around fooooreveeeer, is that of 4 men who didn’t contract the disease and these men were ones who had been stealing from the dead!

Yep, physically coming into contact with those who had died from what they named the “black plague” in order to rob them. Apparently when in court for their crimes the judge offered leniency for the information on how they did not contract the disease. The answer was rubbing their hands, body in a blend of oils containing Eucalyptus, Lemon, Clove, Cinnamon, and Rosemary.

Mmmmm I thought if it worked for them, let’s give it a go.

I blended up the oils and made into a spritz to begin with and went around cleaning door handles, toilet seats, everything that could have been touched (which meant absolutely everything when it’s a wee toddler we’re talking about). Plus put them in the mop bucket and mopped the floor. Yep, everything.

I wanted to help her too so I had made into a lotion using the same oil blend but at a much less potency and massaged her feet and hands with it.

Now I don’t know if it was that or not but none of us caught it. Phew.

Then a few months later I thought mmmm I could make a hand wash out of that. When you research all the benefits of those essential oils they are an absolutely perfect blend for cleaning our grubby hands after collecting eggs from the chook house, working in the bush, in the bathroom, everywhere.

So that’s how our Deep Cleanse Handwash came about. It’s not some florally pretty smelling handwash which is made from synthetic fragrances.

It is a real hand cleaner made from high-quality plant-based essential oils which provides you with access to the incredible medicinal properties of these pure oils (documented for centuries) that also smell amazing.


I won’t list every benefit of these oils but here are a couple for each one I use (& what the “thieves” apparently used)


Rosmarinus officinalis (Rosemary) – antiseptic, traditionally burnt as a fumigant in sick rooms in France, a tonic for the stomach. Used to help with diarrhea, headache, scabies, bronchitis…..

Cinnamomum zeylanicum (Cinnamon) – the bark produces a much different oil than the leaves and stems and is what I choose to use at Verissima. Known as an antifungal, antimicrobial and Antiviral amongst others, so it looks like an oil spot on in helping with immunity.

Citrus limon (Lemon) – respiratory infections, sanitisation of wounds, treats skin spots. Lemon is pretty well known nowadays for it’s plethora of health benefits just from using the juice alone. Imagine a pure essential oil extracted from cold pressing the peel. It can be used to help clean your house too. Using in cleaning up drains is awesome, bit of bicarb bit of vinegar and some lemon essential oil works a treat.

Eucalyptus globulus (eucalyptus) – traditionally used by indigenous Australian for fever, chills, body aches and pains. It is used so widely nowadays as a cleaner as well as in throat gargles etc. I’ve used it to help lower high temperatures by getting a bowl of tepid water and a few drops of Eucalyptus, soaking a flannel and wrapping around the feet. I also use it in the final rinse of washing or in the washing cycle itself as it lifts oil stains. It’s awesome for removing the gluey sticky stuff left by stickers on appliances, windows jars as well.

Eugenia caryophyllata (Clove) – well known for its ability to ease the pain from your toothache, it instantly numbs it. Clove is also awesome for digestive issues and respiratory complaints. As well as being a deterrent for insects. Antifungal, antiviral, antispasmodic.

Together as you can see they pack a powerful punch. And with all the hoo harr about antibacterial claims on very popular hand washes not being effective, no more so than soap and water it’s kind of nice to look at these naturally occurring oils and think they may just assist somehow.


Whole-life Ways To Help You With That Annoying Rash

Whole-life Ways To Help You With That Annoying Rash

One of the most common questions I get asked is whether I have a natural skin rash cream. Which I do, but I rarely go straight to that. Why, because all it will do is put out the fire so to speak, it won’t fix the underlying inflammation issue forever. Neither will, in my opinion, any strong steroidal cream. What do I suggest instead? Get to the root of the problem, what is causing it?

This means looking inside and yes, it’s not a quick fix, but bloody worth it. I’ve collated some things I’ve done for my kids and used myself over the years. I hope it helps you and your loved ones.

With so many different opinions out there, it can become really confusing and overwhelming when trying to make ours or our little ones lives a bit easier. Often you will find that what causes your inflammation is not what causes another’s.

But the one thing I have found whether for me, my children, friends is that once we get rid of the crap in our diet and lives we improve, and dramatically.

Where to start –

I bounced around for ages from one bit of advice to the next so what I suggest now and help you to stop wasting time and just cut to the chase is listed below.

I’d enlist the help of a professional in nutritional medicine, more specifically orthomolecular medicine or a qualified Naturopath (such as Kat Blake).

Getting to the root cause is imperative.

Orthomolecular medicine is where I ended up many years ago, I didn’t have a trusted Naturopath in my bag of tricks. It works from a cellular level so basically where all life is created. Here in Perth WA we went and seen Dr Igor Tabrizian. No matter where you live there will be someone similar to him working in this area.

You can be eating the cleanest food, full of life, certified organic/biodynamic, yet your body won’t be able to assimilate the goodness if it has high amounts of toxic metals and elements that literally block the goodness from being absorbed. Part of this process involves a hair analysis and then follow up appointments, whereby specific minerals, vitamins are prescribed to help pull the toxins out of the system and then to increase the goodies. A compounding chemist prepares these custom preparations for you.

From here all the improvements you make in your diet will be given their best chance to work.

Alongside this, take note, literally get a notepad and pen and keep track of what you are putting into your body in the way of food and liquids. Or pop them into an app on your phone. Notice how they make you feel.

If it’s your child that you are concerned with, do this for them.

Now start to cut out all the processed stuff with the help of your chosen health professional.

By this I mean anything that is not as close to how nature provided it. This is the packaged stuff, the lollies, the ice creams, all the junk stuff and definitely all the white stuff – white bread, white sugar, rice, flour, and while I’m at it the gluten free flour etc, there are far more nutritious options available, again your health professional can help you.

Look to wholefoods, real food.  You’ll be surprised at the money you save too.

Notice what foods make you feel bloated, lifeless, aching heavy legs.

What you will find is that what creates problems for one person maybe fine for another.

For example, my son as a little one, only tolerated raw milk, if given “normal” readily available milk (homogenised/pasteurised) he would bloat, stools float and then get a rash (eczema). How did I find this out? I cut out my dairy intake altogether when I was breastfeeding. His silent reflux subsided dramatically. He actually slept through for a whole entire night! What bliss.

I was suggested ‘real milk’, but It is illegal in Australia for farms to sell unpasteurised milk to the public. It is available for cosmetic purposes only. The only alternative you have is to get yourself a cow. So, I would source local goats milk, or I would get Cleopatra’s Bath Milk (certified organic) from Qld to soak my feet in :-0 . I would also combine Rice Milk with Coconut Milk (coconut having the fats needed for brain development etc in little ones).

For him, I also limited the yoghurt, although filled with beneficial bacteria, many yogurts also have added sugars, milk solids, flavourings which can disrupt your gut flora. Unless it is again local goats milk yoghurt or I also buy South Australian Paris creek Organic yoghurt, this has no milk solids added to it which some people and kids react to. It’s has a runnier consistency than most yoghurts, this is because it doesn’t have added milk solids (that may cause problems) it’s a really great form of probiotics. You can also easily make your own.

For my daughter, I found out that the rashes would come after consuming grain, mainly wheat, and still does when we get slack. So I turned to ancient grains of spelt instead and as long as not too much in the diet, no rashes.

A topical skin rash cream will provide relief as mentioned, but you need to get to the root of the problem.

If like I was and you have no idea where to start when it comes to wholefoods there are heaps of cooks out there now helping you understand and cook with wholefoods. I did numerous wholefood cooking classes with Jude Blureau, my saviour.

I also love Chef Cynthia Louise –

I did say it wasn’t a quick fix.

This is why.

You will need to take the time to allow your body to cleanse and then restore.

A great time to take control is when your bub is starting solids. I found this is when my two started rashing up.

It’s also where I was completely shocked at the ingredients I found in a skin rash cream and why I now educate others on how to find the toxins in their skincare. It’s so much easier when you don’t have as many culprits that ‘maybe causing the issues’. As adults, well we just have to go back to the drawing board.

It really involves getting back to basics, using real food as close to its natural state as possible.

We, as a family, are far from vegetarian but I think introducing more raw food into anyone’s diet would definitely be a bonus not only for our kids but for us. Smoothies with superfoods are wonderful. Get rid of all the processed foods and reap the benefits.

Another great superfood/probiotic in a cup is kefir. You make smoothies using this it’s wonderful the kids love it and it is super awesome, I have what is called kefir grains if you’re interested to get started. A great site to read on benefits of this is Dom’s About Kefir in-site this requires a good cuppa (or smoothie) and plenty of time, there is so much interesting information. Dom’s About Kefir in-site

Watch what you wash your clothes in too.

For our son I was just using the lux soap flakes but a pain in behind to rinse the machine, so moved onto Tri-Nature, for our daughter I have found the Planet Ark sensitive skin ok.

In a nutshell here’s my alternatives to just using a skin rash cream-

  1. Enlist the help of a whole-life health professional
  2. Get a good probiotic going
  3. Eat unprocessed foods and limit the grain if advised to.
  4. Introduce juicing, supervised at the start into your life 
  5. Introduce kefir / good yoghurt, natural probiotics
  6. Natural topical skin rash cream / lotion to ease the itch as you find your way
  7. Find a fitness class or technique that you enjoy. A great pilates instructor here in Perth is Jodie Tapper, an awesome yoga instructor is Colette Corr, full on, hard yakka fitness might not be the best through this time, go gentle. Walk, swim, but just do something that will be for you.
  8. Try to breathe and get some sleep – this isn’t an easy road for many, I know it was hard going and frustrating for me.

From my experience a lot of skin issues can result from emotional upsets and digestive upsets. Taking care of where you are at, right now in your life is very important. Do something just for you once a week, if only for 15 minutes, just you no distractions.

It may take time and practise but you will get there.

Handy websites / books that I have read, used and followed – 

Wholefood Cooking with Jude Blereau this is where I started 15 years ago now, done many a cooking class with Jude starting with Nourishing Wisdom – basics of wholefood. Then went on from there.

Weston A Price Foundation heaps of info here, very interesting and helps understand the benefits of real fats

Additive Alert Julie Eady

The Untold Story of Milk by Ron Schmid

Benefits of Juice Fasting I’ve done a 7 day fast and it blew my mind! Energy, sleep, just felt AMAZING.

As mentioned this is not a quick fix and I highly recommend you have a trusted health professional to guide you, cheer you on and help you understand what is causing your inflammation issues.

Here’s to getting back to basics, living simply and enjoying life.

x Nat 

If you would like to be one of the crew who receives our blogs in your inbox when I feel inspired to write pop your name on our list

We’ll never spam you. We’ll only send you information relating to natural health, beauty and wellness. Plus the odd farm shenanigans that we get up to here at Booka whilst trying to raise sheep, chickens, kids (human variety) and grow some feed as naturally as possible, all the while not losing the plot.

And, if you love your Social Media, then jump over to our Instagram and Facebook pages and give us some love. Spread the word far and wide.

The more people we can educate on healing oneself, living simply and having fun, the better.


Why Natural Is Not Always The Best

Why Natural Is Not Always The Best

Natural doesn’t always mean it’s natural! Confusing isn’t it? I mean if they say they’re natural skin care products AND it is for sale on our shelves, then surely it is right?


I’ve been in this industry over 10 years now and using chemical free skin care for over 15 years. It no longer surprises me to see the words “natural”, “organic”, “botanical” thrown around by those creating “natural skin care products” that are very far from being natural.

There is a lot of confusion when it comes to Natural Skin Care Products. I’m not surprised.

One of Australia’s leading brands of “natural” skin care products right at this moment is not what it markets itself as.

On closer examination of their ingredients you will find synthetics. However, they are perceived to be natural and so people, like you, buy it.

Because people buy it the shop owner keeps it in store, pretty simple business thinking there.

When the store owner or sales person is asked for a natural skin care product they actually recommend that range. I’ve tested this recently, in many stores. When I pointed out the ingredients that were not natural and therefore the product was not actually 100% natural, the common answer was “oh, I wasn’t aware of that”. Mmmmm such a worry.

My feet ached, and in the end I walked away more determined than ever to help you learn how to find the toxins in your skin care. Because I feel that you and your family deserve better than that.

I still get angry. But I don’t hold onto that emotion, that’s unhealthy and just makes me frustrated and someone that no-one wants to hang around with. What I choose to do instead is educate you on how to know if your skin care is natural. How to decipher the ingredients on the label so you can make an informed decision.

The products I create are made with heart and integrity, along with yours and your family’s well-being in mind, rather than coming from the hard sell and return on investment mindset that seems to govern so many businesses.

I choose to come from a place of healing and educating.

I believe the answer to many of today’s health problems can be solved by sourcing Biodynamic or Organic or local spray free/natural (in that order of preference) products and food.

But I also know it’s no use doing your head in trying to achieve this.

Even better is to try and do this locally and source from small family owned and run businesses to encourage and support them for their hard work. Show your appreciation and be rewarded with lasting health, happiness and strong friendships.

Get back to basics and enjoy life.

Be confident with the person, their ethics & beliefs before you buy from them. Not all things marketed as Organic or Natural are, trust me it’s the business I am in.


I too was very tired of Company’s touting “natural skin care products” but not practising it.

Our range is completely natural. Our natural skin care products are made from real ingredients providing you with a safe, healthy option for your skin and well being.


They are made with a range of high quality plant based essential oils providing you with access to the incredible medicinal properties of these pure oils (documented for centuries) that also smell amazing.

Try our Sample Pack for only $9 – experience for yourself how good our products feel on your skin and how amazing they smell. The best bit is you do not have to worry about toxic chemicals leaching into your body or that of your family’s.


Before I leave I’ll provide you with somewhere to go so you can check out the ingredients in your own skin care. Be prepared for a shock!


So go on. Go grab your jars, bottles now and get busy. Look up their ingredients using these apps and sites mentioned below.


TIP – Have your rubbish bin close by.

Another tip – if you cannot pronounce it / recognise it then don’t put it on your skin.

Chemical Maze – app available in the play store

There’s also another available that I haven’t used much Think Dirty – app available in the play store

I always delve a bit deeper and go onto NICNAS – Australia’s National Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment Scheme website. I then look at their counterparts overseas E.g. Environment and Climate Change Canada.  NICNAS promotes the safe use of industrial chemicals by providing information and recommendations to other regulators and they “work closely with a range of regulatory partners at all levels of government” in order to “protect the Australian people and the environment by assessing the risks of industrial chemicals and providing information to promote their safe use”.

And then into the rabbit warren of information I go. I cringe when I look, but for your safety, your wellbeing and to help you become educated on how to ensure you are purchasing a genuinely natural product I will always research.

Once you’ve done your research and you’d like to try us out jump online and grab our Sample Pack for only $9. The postage is on us too. Enjoy.

Why Is Change Necessary

Why Is Change Necessary

This is a bit of a different blog. Not particularly about anything other than to keep you informed. As you will see from our social media posts on Instagram and Facebook we’re on a manufacturing break. You can not buy anything from our website. I know right, wtf! WHY?...

The Power Is In Your Hands

The Power Is In Your Hands

Quite a few years back our daughter caught Hand Foot & Mouth from kindy or day care. I freaked out, it sounded too much like the highly contagious disease Foot & Mouth that affected cloven-hoofed animals! What the heck was my daughter doing with it? But it’s a...

Nature’s ways to help your kids feel better

Nature’s ways to help your kids feel better

Using mother nature’s way to help your unwell kids feel better isn’t as hard as you may think.

And for those of us with young children, or children of any age really, we do everything for them, sometimes more than what we would even do for ourselves. We all know how the world stops when they become unwell, so it’s a welcome relief to have some tricks up your sleave to help them, and you, get through.

Using nature’s gifts to help your kids is so handy. I’ve found that it’s normally the middle of the night when the s**t hits the fan. The midnight hunt for a bucket is on and the call of your own bed to go back to sleep is very loud, but you decide not to in case they vomit again.

It’s comforting to have skills that allow you to remain slightly calm, and help them through the rough time.

Then there is the next day too, a looong day, mum (or dad) is knackered from lack of sleep, bubs is cranky and has a sore tummy from disturbed sleep and a serious work out on their tummy muscles.

So what can you do in this event?

What can be used from the kitchen cupboard, garden or bathroom cabinet?

When my youngest was very unwell one night. I had just crawled into bed, late, at about 11pm, and fallen into a deep peaceful sleep when I heard the unfamiliar call of “muuummmy my tummies sore”.

I thought I would share with you what I did, and pretty much always do when faced with this. Apart from panicking and throwing back a couple of Arnica pillules with some vodka (joking, but that is an option I suppose).

5 things to have on hand when kids are unwell


Roman Chamomile Essential Oil in Jojoba Oil to rub clockwise on tummy to help ease pain and discomfort

Neroli Essential Oil in Jojoba Oil – to rub clockwise on tummy and on chest to help with sleep and ease the nausea

Raspberry’s (frozen or fresh, or raspberry leaf tea, or in a pinch raspberry jam) – to help with an upset tummy, eases the vomiting somehow

Lavender Essential Oil – for the chuck bucket or fresh lavender from the garden – with all it’s natural goodness as an antimicrobial, antibacterial and its soothing scent its perfect for this job

A bucket, actually make that 2 buckets, is handy – somehow whilst your cleaning one they invariably need another- to contain the mess! Oh and lavender also might help you and bub drift back off to sleep.

Essential oils are renowned for their healing abilities. Roman Chamomile and Neroli’s ability to calm an upset tummy and help ease the pain is well known from ancient times. Neroli’s other reputation is a wonderful sleep oil. The calming and soothing scent they both impart is magic, and helps the caregiver too. They are wonderful to massage onto baby’s tummy in a clockwise direction. The other essential oil I always carry with me is good old Lavender, in this instance I put a single drop into the bucket and after each wash out I put a new drop. This oil has a plethora of benefits antibacterial, anti-fungal etc so acts as a wonderful germ & bug slayer in this time of need.

What else did I do?

Kept the fluids to small sips of Raspberry leaf tea. Stayed awake and rode the storm. By morning she was a little better, still not eating, but better. Then by afternoon she was her bright sparkly self again.

We took it easy on the foods, started with juicing and little sips, kept up with the Neroli and Roman Chamomile and said thank you that it passed quickly. In warm weather you can make juicy iceypoles by just blitzing up some raspberry’s, and whatever else they like, add a wee bit of water and pop in iceypole containers and in the freezer to freeze. Or just use your ice cube trays.

These are some simple tips you can use to help your children. There are many more but I thought I would just share these first to help you on your way to sanity, sleep and health.

If you think your friends or family members would benefit from reading this please share this blog with them. Together we can make a real difference to peoples lives. 

IMPORTANT NOTES – No essential oil should be placed directly on the skin, it must always be in a carrier oil (couple exceptions but another story). Neroli and Roman Chamomile are expensive oils anyway, so normally they are available already prepared in a carrier oil. Look for jojoba, the best (in my opinion) and most compatible to our own skins sebum levels. We do sell these essential oils and just give us a call or drop us an email.

Oh, Roman Chamomile in a carrier oil is also handy for TEETHING BABIES. You just rub along the jawline (on face not in mouth) as needed. If your child is not getting better always seek help from your health care professional.

Why Is Change Necessary

Why Is Change Necessary

This is a bit of a different blog. Not particularly about anything other than to keep you informed. As you will see from our social media posts on Instagram and Facebook we’re on a manufacturing break. You can not buy anything from our website. I know right, wtf! WHY?...

The Power Is In Your Hands

The Power Is In Your Hands

Quite a few years back our daughter caught Hand Foot & Mouth from kindy or day care. I freaked out, it sounded too much like the highly contagious disease Foot & Mouth that affected cloven-hoofed animals! What the heck was my daughter doing with it? But it’s a...

Business Throwback and What I’ve Learned From Writing Lists

Business Throwback and What I’ve Learned From Writing Lists

Do you have those days where there seems like an endless noise of crap in your head?

I recently found a draft blog I wrote this time last year when I was in the interesting space of going back to work and relaunching Verissima. It was a different space than I’m in now, but I can still see the seeking I’m doing now relates to where I was then when I was writing lists.

I thought you’d like to read it.

“I’ve been jotting down stuff on random bits of paper all morning in between reading a book by Lisa Messenger, doing the business accounts, stoking the fire (it’s bloody freezing today) and making a delish self-saucing choccy pudding (recipe courtesy of Jude Blereau). Writing lists seems to have become the main thing I do lately.

Why am I in a frenzy? I’m not sure.

But I need to make notes, I need to be writing lists.

In the Lisa Messenger book there’s some ideas that grab my attention:

Think Bigger

The whole “you can do it” concept is no longer a huge hurdle for me because I honestly know I can if I get off my ass and work freaking hard at it, I’ll get there. But it’s good to be reminded; don’t get bogged down in the details. What’s next?


Now, this fits with my ideals! I don’t have to do it the way it’s always been done; this fits with me. I too question/analyse absofreekingly everything, it’s bloody tiring.

The Why?

The other messages which I’ve heard many times recently is “know my why”.

Why am I doing this, why am I making this product, why am I marketing this way… why why why? Now, this scares the shit out of me. I think we all have a bit of “oh but what happens if they don’t like me” so we stay quiet, stay safe.

Well, I know that for this to work I have to get the fuck out of my comfort zone.


Who I am, how I want to be seen and who I want to be in this big old world. This needs to be the same across everything, from social media to me daily. A good thing really because I am who I am, I say it how it is, so this bit is fine. It’s just being so out there that freaks me.

What do I want to be known for?

What’s my point of difference? What do I want people to think of when they think of my brand?

Here’s what I’ve come up with:

I’m down to earth

I wasn’t born with a silver spoon

I am here to help you not rip you off for the next sale

I’m all for helping people learn how to lessen the toxic load they and their families are subjected to everyday

I’ve worked in the Agriculture Industry I know just what our produce is treated with and I understand why, I also work there now

I am passionate about protecting our environment and in getting back to basics

There’s no reason why we cannot make our own things, we cook so we can make our personal care products

Mother Nature provides for all our needs so we can use what she creates to assist us in our health

I also needed to get clear on where I am taking Verissima.

Helping mums is where I started, so I’m heading back there again. There are 36,000 babies born here in WA each year, and 120,00 of babies born in Australia this year will be Indigenous. Maybe they’d like a sample or two.

Why am I drawn to help the indigenous? Because I am proud of our heritage; I myself come from these fellas and women and they rocked their medicine cabinets by going on bushwalks and picking from Mother Nature.

Classes! Yes I need to teach people about wholefoods, the truth about what products are treated with to meet regulatory standards, why I think they need to know this, how to whip up a balm in the middle of the night if they need to.

I’m still writing lists….

I add ‘classes’ to my ever growing list.

Fast forward to today.

I am sitting in my kitchen with laptop. I had a very busy day in the cream room yesterday. I made a decision toward the end of last year, and it answers one of the questions above I had: “where am I taking Verissima?”

Well, I’m taking it to you and to the world.

So hold onto your knickers, ladies, all of the above ramble will come at you in a more orderly, informative manner through your inboxes shortly. I’m looking forward to somehow bringing all this together and bit by bit getting out of my freaking comfort zone and engaging more with you all.

If you’re not yet on our mailing list, be sure to pop your name in so you can receive all the good stuff I’ll be sending out.

Plus as I get organised, as I move on from just “writing lists” and actually implementing some of that stuff, I’ll be touching base around workshops we will be holding. Yes, ‘classes’ made the cut!

If you love your Social Media, then jump over to our Instagram and Facebook pages and give us some love. Spread the word far and wide. The more people we can educate on healing oneself, living simply and having fun, the better.

and sign up to receive titbits on natural health, beauty & wellness as well as some farm shenanigans we get up to here on Booka Farm. I’ll try and include wholefood recipes, like I’ve always done and basic simple ways you can help to heal your family with what you have in your pantry. If you know what you want, and if you’re running out of your favourite product jump over to the website and pop your order in or give me a call and order over the phone.

We’re here and ready to lovingly whip up your products for you.

Oh, and perhaps add a few more things to that list…

Aromatherapy for Healing Grief

Aromatherapy for Healing Grief

Aromatherapy has always been considered a bit of a witchy medicine.

And after all – women were burned at the stake for playing with less. But that was in the old days, right? Surely we’ve moved on from that?

So why would an evolved society support a Government that halted the use of such healing power? Are we that scared of ‘magik’ still? Are we that frightened of our own historical knowledge that we hit up the chemist at the first sign something’s not quite right in our body? Why don’t we try something like aromatherapy first when we have an ailment?

What do we think will go so terribly wrong?

I have a fair idea. Heck, I’ve been in this industry for ages now and my eyes have been opened. I’ve learned a lot –

and one thing that’s abundantly clear is how impactful the almighty dollar is on the health, wellbeing, and skincare industry.

If it doesn’t make someone some money, then, they are just not interested. And if they are making money, they will do what they can to shut the person or business down that offers a different solution.

Just recently this year – March 2017 –

an Amish man was found guilty in a court of law for making his own home-made products and faces years and years in jail

Does anyone else have a ‘WTF’ moment when reading this? Why is he going to jail? For helping people? For trusting a wisdom that’s age old before asking for medical help?

“We cannot believe the FDA has gone to these lengths to silence someone because they are making a natural health product. Do not believe for one moment they are trying to save or protect anyone from harm- they are silencing and potentially putting an Amish man in PRISON for healing people without the help of pharmaceuticals. That is the extent of it. Quite frankly is shameful”. Erin at Healthnut News wrote March 10 2017

So, why am I rambling on about this?

Well I want to help you learn how you can heal yourself and your loved ones,

so I am going to flick you an email from time to time with information on various health supportive tips.

It’s not medical help. I’m not suggesting you never visit your doctor again. And I don’t proclaim to be a doctor.

With that disclaimer, I’m going to kick this off by starting with one of the most powerful of essential oils. In my mind this is Rose Oil. Pure Bulgarian Rose Oil, Rosa damascina.

Be careful with what Essential Oils you choose. Not all are the same. Prices vary depending on the plant the oil comes from. Make sure you choose an oil that is pure and botanically based and not created from synthetic fragrance. Rose oil is extremely expensive as it takes roughly 30 roses to make just one drop of pure Bulgarian Rose Oil. Is it worth it? Hell, yes.

The rose is one of the most beautiful of flowers for many. My mum loved roses and her favourite of favs was the very very deep burgundy rose with the most pungent gorgeous smell. So it is apt that the first thing that pops into my head when I think of Rose Oil is my mum.

For me Rose Oil takes me back to January 2005, my son had just had his big number 1 birthday on the 21 December 2004. On January 19th 2005 my mum passed suddenly at the very young age of 55. Mums passing was put down to atrial fibrillation, basically her heart went into overdrive. I was absolutely floored.

How does Rose Oil fit into this story?

A day or two after, I set off up the hill to visit  a woman named Vera as I was studying her Aromatherapy & Alternative Healing course. My mum and dad would drive the 2 hours from Mandurah to look after our son so I could have time to go and do this. I remember walking into the office of the shop and finding Vera and not being able to hold back the tears. Vera promptly got up; found a bottle that had contained pure Bulgarian Rose Oil and filled it with Jojoba.

“Rub this over your heart chakra, Nat” she said, “and inhale whenever you need to.”

So that’s what I did. Daily. And so did my Dad, my sister, and my partner when the day came to spread Mum’s ashes from our boat at her favourite spot; the estuary at Mandurah. And it did something to us.

Interestingly, the Shop I visited that day just happened to be Verissima Natural Skincare.

(How the universe works is definitely mysterious. I had no idea that 4 years later I would decide to give up my career working with the Government to owning and running this very business.)

This story depicts one of Rose Oil’s very powerful qualities, which is to work with you in times of deep seated grief. Its amazing power somehow helps heal that burning inside your chest and calms your mind. It is the first oil I reach for when someone dear is experiencing such deep hurtful loss.

One of my favourite books, The Art of Aromatherapy by Robert Tisserand, notes Rose Oil “tones the vascular and digestive systems through purging, cleansing action rather than a stimulating one… has a soothing action on the nerves… known aphrodisiac. Being ruled by Venus it is of great use in regulating the menstrual function, is a gentle emmenagogue & cleanses the womb of impurities”

I like the fact that Verissima Natural Skincare is based around the ancient wisdom of using essential oils to heal. I am not a beauty queen, heck I hardly ever use a Cleanser or Toner!

I find it wonderful that I can create a product that you need, that will help you and not harm you.

Just like Rose Oil helped me and my family through a very tough time, essential oils can help you.

If you think about it, our skin is our largest organ. What you put on it is absorbed into our bodies. So take care with what you choose to nourish yourself with. Choose products that heal, that support you.

We create all our products ourselves, and we only use Certified Organic and Natural Ingredients, I’m extremely picky. If you cannot decide what you need from looking at our website I am only an email or a phone call away. I want to hear about you, your life, what you are going through so I can help you choose the best product for you, so don’t hesitate, get in touch.

And if you want some help right now calming the nerves, anxiety, depression or even going through the throws of grief yourself we make a beautiful product called Peace Of Mind Sleep Oil, that just may help you, as it has done me, along with the Rose Oil. Much love, Nat. 

‘The rose distills a healing balm the beating pulse of pain to calm’. Anacreon

My Mum and my first born.

Pausing… Then Relaunching Verissima

Pausing… Then Relaunching Verissima

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; a time to break down, and a time to build up; a time to weep, and a time to laugh…

I think I knew the moment my youngest one was born that something had to give, but being so in love with Verissima I decided I could do all. I’m glad I did. It’s been an absolutely wonderful challenge. I’ve watched my kids go from wee babies to a gorgeous and handsome young man and my baby into a happy and hilarious young girl. Having my business at home has allowed me to be there for them.

But then it became clear that I had to do some things differently. My children needed me. Booka Farm needed me. I wanted to see the chicks hatch and the lambs be born and to learn about sustainable farming. I wanted to spend time at the kids school being involved in what was gong on there.

We all know that life is about right now, we have to grab it before it’s gone.

So, nearly two years ago, Verissima took a very, very extended holiday. I didn’t want to consider it gone forever, I just needed to pause and refresh.

And I did.

We took some time to just be, to figure out where Verissima was going to go, and to dance through life on Booka Farm. And yes, we still helped people in the local area who relied on our gorgeous product – very special thanks to those who collected product from my letterbox and purchased batches at a time. Creating Verissima products has always been a soul satisfying process for me and I’m so appreciative that I got to continue doing that on a much smaller scale.

So, why are we back?

Every time I made up a small batch for someone, I’d find my hands flying over the ingredients and my heart singing.

I’d then get these incredible messages from people who’d waited patiently for their product. Messages of love. Messages of hope we’d be back. Messages of appreciation because Verissima helps people.
And I realised I wasn’t out of love with Verissima. I just needed to structure my business and my life with more clarity.


And, if you know me or you’ve been on my Facebook page, you know I get fired up about all the rubbish that is marketed to people in the name of making a few dollars. Products that won’t help, and that will do harm.

There was more than ever a space for Verissima.

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