Travelling is a heap of fun and something I do a lot, in Australia. I have never had the desire to broaden my wings and fly over the seas to another country, until now. To be honest it freaked me out, what did I need to do, could I get clean water, fresh food, how was I going to look after myself and my daughter if we became unwell? All this and the Government Regulations I had to navigate could have stressed me out to the point I pulled out, but I did not, so I wanted to share some of my healthy travel tips that helped me and can help your travel experience be as enjoyable as possible.

  1. Involve Your Kids / Teenagers / Family, In Your Travel Plans

Right from the get-go our trip was planned together. From applying for our passports to looking at what to do whilst we were overseas. My daughter, soon to be 14, had some epic ideas. She is the adrenalin junkie, me I take the safe road, having her choose some activities made sure not only was I getting out of my comfort zone by flying overseas, I was well and truly out of my comfort zone with her itinerary. And, I am so glad she organised these. A heap of fun and somethings I would never of done if it wasn’t for her ideas, really awesome.

Give them their own copy of the travel documents (it is a great idea to have more than one in different bags/suitcases in case they get lost anyway). They can then see the dates, what is coming up, take responsibility and have fun with it. 

  1. Look After Your Health Prior To Your Flight

Probably one of the most important of our healthy travel tips. Ensure you are drinking enough water well before you fly and that you continue to keep your fluids up whilst away. Flying is dehydrating and leads to constipation, feeling out of sorts. What happens, I discovered, when getting on a plane, is Biosecurity takes your water away, yep! So, being hydrated before you get on the plane is really, really, important. Then when the flight attendants come around ask for more than 1 cup of water, and just keep asking. Seriously, they do not mind.

If going to a country such as Indonesia, like we did, have some bottled water ready for you arrive at your accommodation as local water isn’t fit for drinking. I reached out to the owner and he organised a big 15L bottle for the dispenser in our kitchen. It was there when we checked in and we never ran out.

Boost your immune system by eating plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables as part of your daily diet 2 – 4 weeks before you leave. Include plenty of berries, natures immune booster.

  1. Take A Spritzer on The Plane

I packed our Refreshing Rosewater Face Mist and our Energiser Mist into our backpack to refresh us on the plane, pick us up if we felt drained. They worked an absolute treat. When on holidays and if it is a warm climate, pop these in your fridge or cooler bag for a quick and easy pick me up on the hot, hot days.

Reach out to me direct by reply email if you want any of these as they are not available to purchase online as yet. Not too far away now though.

  1. Eat As Healthy as You Can Whilst Away

Take your own food on the plane, nuts, dried fruit, fresh fruit. I did not, and whilst I ordered a vegetarian meal and it was yummy, it was way too heavy for my gut and, let us be honest here, the plane food, if hot is reheated to the hilt and there is no nutrient value in that.

With what you bring on board, be prepared to ditch what you do not eat, or surrender it to the local Quarantine / Biosecurity Officer depending on what country you fly in to. Fresh fruits, vegies, nuts, seeds etc harbour pest and disease and many countries have strict biosecurity laws.

I know when you are on holidays you may want to let it all hang out, but if you do not want to be crouched over a bucket or toilet bowl puking your guts up, I suggest you go easy.

Choose local fresh fruits, and juices, especially for the morning. We had an abundance of fresh, straight from the coconut, coconut water, super good for you, super hydrating.

Going out for lunch or dinner? Choose a local, reputable venue that sells great meals, you can find many groups on social media these days like ‘Sanur Best Dining’ etc that share reviews, experiences, great places, vegan, authentic, whatever you are chasing. Reach out on the Tolman Free Community Page too for suggestions as well. A lot of our Coaches have travelled extensively.

  1. Pack Your Enema Kit, Salt, and Charcoal

These are non-negotiables for me. Enema Kit, for when feeling bloated, out of sorts, constipated. On return to Australia, my first morning here, it was the 1st thing I did. It can be the first thing you do on arrival overseas to if needed.

Salt, brilliant for popping a bit in your water to add minerals, it helps gets rid of headache too if drinking enough water with the salt added (1L water per 22kg of body weight daily), put some on your food and also to do a salt flush if you end up feeling sick, diarrhoea, vomiting.

Charcoal, I didn’t need this thankfully, but it can be handy to remove toxins so if you ingest something and it messes around with your gut the charcoal can help move it out. You must drink plenty of water with this or you will dehydrate. I took mine in case Bali Belly raised it’s head.

Links to these products will lead you to the Tolman Health page where you can purchase, as I am a Tolman Health Coach, using these links (ensure you allow cookies when that pops up on your screen) means I get paid my commission and my small business grows. You can of course buy an enema kit, activated charcoal and clean mineral full salt elsewhere, Salt Of The Earth is a great brand that I have used.

  1. Pack Your Essential Oils – Lavender, Tea Tree, Neroli, Roman Chamomile

For me, these were my choices. Lavender and Tea Tree because I had a cut on the bottom of my foot from a camping trip over the Australia Day long weekend. I had to keep it clean and free of any bacteria. Travelling to a developing country that I hadn’t been before, where sanitation may not be that great, I wanted to be prepared. Happy to say it pretty much completely healed whilst over there. These two oils are also brilliant should you get bit by mosquitoes. Just pop a single drop on finger and then on bite, stops the itch and any reaction. My son, Tea Tree works, my daughter it is Lavender. So, try them out.

Neroli is brilliant as is Roman Chamomile for upset digestive systems. Place some carrier oil, say 1 Tablespoon worth in your hand, add a drop of Neroli &/or Roman Chamomile and massage clockwise onto your abdomen. You can also place some on lower back.

These are also good for anxiety, nervousness etc that may come about from doing new things. In this scenario massage into your chest area.

  1. Relax, Lean into The Ease and Flow of Local Life

I wanted to experience the culture, see with my own eyes how they lived their life. The Balinese are such happy happy people. There is no big machinery where I was, everything was being created by hand.

I encourage you to get out there, look around, go to the organic farms, sustainable villages, take a cooking class, it is a heap of fun. Adopt their pace of life, slow down, it is ok and actually really good for you to let your mind go slower, your body to just stop and be.

We ventured to The Green Village and stayed overnight in a local Pondok owned by a friend of mine, this was truly magical. Everything in the Green Village is made with sustainability in mind. All the dwellings are built by hand using local bamboo. Everything they do in this village has nature, our planet, first and foremost in their mind. I absolutely loved it here.

We also attended a local cooking class in Sanur where they picked us up from our accommodation, took us to the local growers market, then to their amazing outdoor kitchen where we made 6 authentic Balinese dishes. It gave me an insight into their health, and how, just small tweaks could make it so much better. I feel that some of the goodness, the basic things has slipped away. Rather than using Canola oil for example, why not coconut, it’s in abundance, use it.

  1. Move Your Body

This just happened naturally for me. Lots of walking whilst exploring the place. I was there as part of the crew for Tyler Tolmans HEAL event, so in the morning we did the Shake N Bake, movement was key.

I suggest at minimum walking daily, you’ll find you probably do this anyway. Exercise helps your body to move toxins around and then eliminate them. Sweating helps, breathing deeply helps. Get moving, even on the plane, get up and walk the aisle when you can, do circles with your wrists and ankles, move your neck from side to side, shrug and drop your shoulders, it all helps.

So, that’s my 8 Healthy Travel Tips to make your next adventure run as smoothly as possible.

Where are you off to next? Let me know, give me ideas on what places you think we might like to explore.

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