Aromatherapy for Healing Grief

Aromatherapy for Healing Grief

Aromatherapy has always been considered a bit of a witchy medicine.

And after all – women were burned at the stake for playing with less. But that was in the old days, right? Surely we’ve moved on from that?

So why would an evolved society support a Government that halted the use of such healing power? Are we that scared of ‘magik’ still? Are we that frightened of our own historical knowledge that we hit up the chemist at the first sign something’s not quite right in our body? Why don’t we try something like aromatherapy first when we have an ailment?

What do we think will go so terribly wrong?

I have a fair idea. Heck, I’ve been in this industry for ages now and my eyes have been opened. I’ve learned a lot –

and one thing that’s abundantly clear is how impactful the almighty dollar is on the health, wellbeing, and skincare industry.

If it doesn’t make someone some money, then, they are just not interested. And if they are making money, they will do what they can to shut the person or business down that offers a different solution.

Just recently this year – March 2017 –

an Amish man was found guilty in a court of law for making his own home-made products and faces years and years in jail

Does anyone else have a ‘WTF’ moment when reading this? Why is he going to jail? For helping people? For trusting a wisdom that’s age old before asking for medical help?

“We cannot believe the FDA has gone to these lengths to silence someone because they are making a natural health product. Do not believe for one moment they are trying to save or protect anyone from harm- they are silencing and potentially putting an Amish man in PRISON for healing people without the help of pharmaceuticals. That is the extent of it. Quite frankly is shameful”. Erin at Healthnut News wrote March 10 2017

So, why am I rambling on about this?

Well I want to help you learn how you can heal yourself and your loved ones,

so I am going to flick you an email from time to time with information on various health supportive tips.

It’s not medical help. I’m not suggesting you never visit your doctor again. And I don’t proclaim to be a doctor.

With that disclaimer, I’m going to kick this off by starting with one of the most powerful of essential oils. In my mind this is Rose Oil. Pure Bulgarian Rose Oil, Rosa damascina.

Be careful with what Essential Oils you choose. Not all are the same. Prices vary depending on the plant the oil comes from. Make sure you choose an oil that is pure and botanically based and not created from synthetic fragrance. Rose oil is extremely expensive as it takes roughly 30 roses to make just one drop of pure Bulgarian Rose Oil. Is it worth it? Hell, yes.

The rose is one of the most beautiful of flowers for many. My mum loved roses and her favourite of favs was the very very deep burgundy rose with the most pungent gorgeous smell. So it is apt that the first thing that pops into my head when I think of Rose Oil is my mum.

For me Rose Oil takes me back to January 2005, my son had just had his big number 1 birthday on the 21 December 2004. On January 19th 2005 my mum passed suddenly at the very young age of 55. Mums passing was put down to atrial fibrillation, basically her heart went into overdrive. I was absolutely floored.

How does Rose Oil fit into this story?

A day or two after, I set off up the hill to visit  a woman named Vera as I was studying her Aromatherapy & Alternative Healing course. My mum and dad would drive the 2 hours from Mandurah to look after our son so I could have time to go and do this. I remember walking into the office of the shop and finding Vera and not being able to hold back the tears. Vera promptly got up; found a bottle that had contained pure Bulgarian Rose Oil and filled it with Jojoba.

“Rub this over your heart chakra, Nat” she said, “and inhale whenever you need to.”

So that’s what I did. Daily. And so did my Dad, my sister, and my partner when the day came to spread Mum’s ashes from our boat at her favourite spot; the estuary at Mandurah. And it did something to us.

Interestingly, the Shop I visited that day just happened to be Verissima Natural Skincare.

(How the universe works is definitely mysterious. I had no idea that 4 years later I would decide to give up my career working with the Government to owning and running this very business.)

This story depicts one of Rose Oil’s very powerful qualities, which is to work with you in times of deep seated grief. Its amazing power somehow helps heal that burning inside your chest and calms your mind. It is the first oil I reach for when someone dear is experiencing such deep hurtful loss.

One of my favourite books, The Art of Aromatherapy by Robert Tisserand, notes Rose Oil “tones the vascular and digestive systems through purging, cleansing action rather than a stimulating one… has a soothing action on the nerves… known aphrodisiac. Being ruled by Venus it is of great use in regulating the menstrual function, is a gentle emmenagogue & cleanses the womb of impurities”

I like the fact that Verissima Natural Skincare is based around the ancient wisdom of using essential oils to heal. I am not a beauty queen, heck I hardly ever use a Cleanser or Toner!

I find it wonderful that I can create a product that you need, that will help you and not harm you.

Just like Rose Oil helped me and my family through a very tough time, essential oils can help you.

If you think about it, our skin is our largest organ. What you put on it is absorbed into our bodies. So take care with what you choose to nourish yourself with. Choose products that heal, that support you.

We create all our products ourselves, and we only use Certified Organic and Natural Ingredients, I’m extremely picky. If you cannot decide what you need from looking at our website I am only an email or a phone call away. I want to hear about you, your life, what you are going through so I can help you choose the best product for you, so don’t hesitate, get in touch.

And if you want some help right now calming the nerves, anxiety, depression or even going through the throws of grief yourself we make a beautiful product called Peace Of Mind Sleep Oil, that just may help you, as it has done me, along with the Rose Oil. Much love, Nat. 

‘The rose distills a healing balm the beating pulse of pain to calm’. Anacreon

My Mum and my first born.