Product short description
There is no better place than being outdoors, whether that be at the beach or out camping. Love it! We are so lucky here in Western Australia to have some of THE best beaches and country around. You want to hang out there all day, soak up some rays and relax. After all our bodies need Vitamin D, which is provided by the sun, to function optimally. However, if you are constantly being beaten by the rays you will may want to take some form of protection against it and using a natural sunscreen is just one option you have.
What else can you do? We recommend keeping hydrated, drinking lots and lots of water. The Australian heat can be stifling, dangerous if you are not prepared. Wear a long sleeve shirt, a hat, sunglasses and keeping out of the sun during peak times will also help. Nourishing your skin, and keeping it supple by applying a natural sunscreen before heading outside will also help you and also the environment.
Some worthwhile reading on what all the hooo haaa is about Sunscreens below –
Sunscreens, by Dr Peter Dingle.
Our entire family uses our Ambrosia Moisturiser with natural sunscreen, including our children and have done all their life!
Some sunscreens commercially available in Australia contain a myriad of toxic chemicals and endocrine disruptors such as parabens – propylparaben, butylparaben etc. We strongly recommend choosing a sunscreen free from these and other synthetic ingredients.
The only way to ensure you are purchasing a natural sunscreen or at least a moisturiser with natural sunscreen and not purchasing a chemical cocktail is to read your ingredients. Want to know how to do this? Sign up to our Free How To Find The Toxins In Your Skincare and Why You Want To Know email series. 5 emails packed full of information to help you and your family. No hard sell, just hard facts.
Our Ambrosia Moisturiser with natural sunscreen is absolutely perfect in helping protect against the drying effects of the sun and, it smells amazing!
There is no better place than being outdoors, whether that be at the beach or out camping. Love it! We are so lucky here in Western Australia to have some of THE best beaches and country around. You want to hang out there all day, soak up some rays and relax. After all our bodies need Vitamin D, which is only provided by the sun, to function optimally. However, if you are constantly being beaten by the rays for an extended period of time you may want to take some form of protection against it and using a natural sunscreen is just one option you have.
By using our moisturiser along with your hat, glasses, and t-shirt you will be providing yourself with some protection from the sun’s rays.
There’s nothing more relaxing in my mind than enjoying the warmth of the sun. Nothing worse than letting yourself get cooked either. So be sensible.